Arthur Gets Parental Help.

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I was scared.. more scared than I  ever was that night.

Luke was out for blood, and this time it wasn't my own blood, Percy's blood, or even his own father's blood..

It was Mordred's blood, and if there was one thing I knew, it was despite her incredibly talented swordsmanship, against Luke her victory was less assured than mine would've been if I was the one fighting him.

As I watched, I couldn't help thinking in my mind 'at LEAST put your armor on!' but I was so filled with Drakon venom at the moment, I was finding it hard to speak.

Mordred and Luke circled each other, Mordred glaring with tears in her eyes.

"Oh.. are you crying?" Luke taunted. "Really? They call you a knight?"

"I'm no Knight.. I'm just a girl with a sword.." Mordred said with a voice trembling in rage, clutching Clarent tightly.  "Who really wants to cut you to ribbons.."

Luke grinned. "Alright then.. "

Luke gestured to a few Dracanae, which slithered over and presented him with a Celestial Bronze shield, which he strapped to his arm..

"Luke!" Annabeth stammered. "At least give her a shield too!"

"Sorry Annabeth." said Luke "You bring your own gear to this party.. "

Mordred looked at Annabeth. "it's fine.. I've got this.."

Mordred held out a thumbs up to Tyson. "Cheer me on One Eye!"

"Oh this is rich." said Luke as he and Mordred approached each other slowly. "I thought I'd be having a real sword fight with the King of Knights, but instead I have to fight a loud mouthed girl who dresses in.. what even is that? Is that the knight's version of  a sports bra?"

"You don't dis my fashion I don't dis yours" Mordred growled. "I know I've made mistakes.. I know I've been overconfident.. and I know I'm weak compared to my Father.. no.. my Sister.. but that doesn't mean I can't whoop your ass.."

"oh really?" said Luke with a smirk. "The Rage of the Titans bellow.. Mortals and Gods alike die.. The Golden Age is here... BACKBITER!!!!"

Luke swung his blade out.. and a tremendous shockwave of golden and black light exploded outwards, 

Mordred barely ducked in time as the blast exploded past her, and decapitated a sky scraper in the distant Miami city.

Mordred's eyes went wide with shock as she saw the damage and Luke laughed. 

"You can't use your Noble Phantasm am I right?" said Luke with a grin. "Well then.. I can still use mine's full power!!!" 

Luke charged in.. dark energy rippling from Backbiter's blade as Mordred raised her blade and parried

Luke's shield made all the difference. While fighting two handed with a sword granted more power, a shield made things different.. there were more options, more ways to kill, less openings in your form..

Luke and Mordred, if I were to compare swordsmanship, I'd say they were a near match in skill, but with Luke having a shield and Mordred only using Clarent while at the same time unable to access the Noble Phantasm's full power.. 

It was looking grim.

Mordred wove her blade in a skillful web of Camelot Steel, red energy rippling across it's surface as she deflected a few of Luke's swift and powerful blows.

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