Arthur goes Bird Watching

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So it became time to do the chariot races.. and I had to say, our chariot was a work of art! I may not have been good at building houses.. or cabins.. but dang did we make a chariot.

It was a royal blue with a shield symbol with a golden lion in the shield, the symbol of Camelot.. Dragon wings of gold spread out around the chariot, giving it a majestic look, and there were various celestial bronze parts, like the axle and wheel caps.. and the front part of the chariot near the bottom had a few Celestial Bronze compartments as well.

I was never a surefire fan of Celestial Bronze. Though it was capable of harming higher beings like gods, monsters, servants, and mages, I always felt the fact that it refused to harm ordinary mortals because they weren't important enough made it a very arrogant metal. 

My preference was always Camelot Steel, a specialized enchanted metal we used for everything in Camelot. It constructed Mordred's Clarent as well as the various weapons of Camelot's armory. 

Excalibur and the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad however, weren't made of 'metal'. You could think of it as crystalized divine power that imitated the sensation and properties of metal so they could function as weapons.. 

But, it's not like we had any here in Camp, so we stuck with Celestial Bronze... despite my forlorn preferences.. 

Anyways, beautiful chariot, not complaining..  (I swear one day I will figure out how to get the equipment to forge Camelot steel in the Arts and Crafts building)

Me and Mordred stared at our chariot as Rider came, handling the horses..

"Hey Medusa.. " I said. "How is Sakura?"

"Better." said Rider, adjusting her glasses. "But.. you two have been working so hard on this, I think it's best you two ride it..   so this is young Mordred?"

"Yahuh." said Mordred with a nod as she fed one of the horses a carrot.

"PONY!!" said Tyson, hurrying forward. But apparently the horses didn't really dig cyclopses, cause they cantered away nervously.

"Alright." said Percy. "Know all the controls?"


"Got all your harnesses?"


"Got your rubber handglove?"

"My rubber handglove!" I stammered. "OH NO I FORGOT MY... wait a second.."

I sighed and raised an eyebrow at Percy, who was sniggering. "Really?"

"Aww.. come on.. gotta have a little fun." said Percy. 

I smiled and ruffled Percy's hair before we hauled the chariot off to the Camp Arena. 

The miniature colleseum now had a track newly made in it.. obviously meant for lap type racing. Mordred would be riding in her armorless form so she wouldn't take too much room on the chariot. 

The other cabins could be seen with their various chariots.. Beckendorf had this neat completely metal chariot pulled by automaton horses.. they would be trouble..I could just imagine the tricky stuff that chariot had up it's sleeve.. 

Annabeth was riding on a white chariot decorated with olive branches, and riding with one of the Athena councilors, looking smug as she waved at me, as if to say "eat our dust."

Oh.. it was on like.. like... Donkey Kong? Is that how they say it? What is Donkey Kong anyways?

Clarisse's chariot was blood red, and was pulled by what appeared to be skeletal horses.. seriously where were everyone getting these special horses!? Should I have asked Rider if we could borrow Pegasus!? 

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