CHAPTER 29 edited

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I sat on a chair while bitting my lips, my arms crossed in front of my chest. If someone asked me if I was nervous, I'll be lying if I said no.

"Oi, stop doing that," I snapped my head towards Killua. His blue feline like eyes were wide with surprise and worry.

I cocked my head to the side, "Stop doing what?" I questioned confused. What was I doing wrong?

Killua sighed and placed his hand on my chin, "You're bleeding." He wiped my chin with his finger and showed me a glossy red finger.

I am? From where, and how? Killua must have seen my expression and scowled, he flicked my forehead with his fingers like how he does with Gon. I cried out and brought my hands to my red forehead.

"Ba-ka, your biting your lips until they bleed, calm down, Gon's going to be fine." He assured as he handed me a napkin. I took it from his hand and wiped my chin, my tongue swiped over my lip quickly finding the source of where the blood was coming out.

Ignoring the rusty taste of blood I looked at the empty rink, Gon and his opponent hasn't appeared yet.

I was worried and nervous, my eyes darted towards Killua who was also seriously staring at the rink.

Suddenly the rink was covered with artificial smoke, I could immediately feel the powerful aura of two people. One bigger and sinister then the other.

"Gon versus Hisoka!! This long awaited match will finally begin!!!" The female announcer yelled into her microphone.

The lights of the stadium traveled around the rink until it landed in one place in the rink. The new technology around the rink made artificial orange fire appear making the entrance dramatic.

"It seems as if Gon has appeared first! His hands are empty!" I scowled slightly, why are they empty? "After four fights, he has a record of three victories and one defeat, he is on the roll!!!"

The orange flames died out being replaced by ice blue flames, "And next, with fiery display, Hisoka has appeared!!!"

I eyed the red haired magician as he appeared from the smoke, I shivered slightly as I saw his expression. He walked in onto the rink while stretching his arms, a sinister smile glued to his face.

"His record is nine victories and three defeats, he'll be able to become a floor master if he wins. Though if he loses he'll have to start over from the beginning. It is the matches of extremes!!!"

A strong shudder traveled though my body as I saw Hisoka, his expression told me everything he was excited.... And not a good way excited.

"Match with count of the points and K.O.! No time limit!! One round!!! BEGIN!!!"

I frowned as I watched Gon shoot off first, attacking Hisoka head on.

"Why is he doing that?" I questioned and grabbed Killua's shirt, "He won't be able to get a hit if he makes it so obvious." Everything was moving so fast my eyes had slight problem keeping up.

Killua nodded, he too looked a bit worried as he watched the rink from next to me. I gasped every time Gon got hit by Hisoka. He's getting so much damage already, and Hisoka, he hasn't even moved one step from the start.

When Gon was thrown back, getting hit straight on the face, I jumped up in worry.

"Clean hit!! One point for Hisoka!"

"W-What an intense exchange! Such an impressive succession on attack and defense!!!" The female announcer yelled in shock, "I didn't have anytime to sneak in a word!"