Chapter 13

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Even though it's not very new, I can't stop watching it! ^^^


I woke with a start at the sound of knocking and almost fell of what I am assuming is the couch. My stuffed bee rolled to the floor and I shakily stood up. "What are you doing?." I heard and jumped hitting my legs in the process.

I turned to see Samandriel sitting up on the sofa and noticed everyone was piled on the couch which was a little weird. "I hear knocking." I explain and he sighs and stands up. "If it's a murderer then I will have to protect you." He said walking to the front of the house.

My heart melted at the thought of my baby brother wanting to protect me after so many years of me taking hits for him. It terrified me. "Wait!" I whisper yelled slowly wobbling towards him before he got to the door.

"Take this." I said grabbing Gabriel's epipen off a table and handing it to him. "Cas, what the hell am I supposed to do with an epipen?" He asked and I shrugged. "Just slowly open it." I say and he nodded.

The front door slowly creeped open, but no one was in sight. "Ding dong ditched?" I asked and Samandriel turned to me. "You wish." We both froze in place at the voice because we knew the voice better than the commercials. I know that sounds weird, but I couldn't move in fear of what might come.

"What? Not gonna turn around?" The voice said darkly and I out of instinct pressed the button on the side of my crutch that was connected to a shocker on Lucifers leg.

Samandriel slowly turned around and I could see him clearly. My father. I was squeezing the button like my life depended on it because it did. "H-how did y-ou?" Samandriel asked with dread and fear dripping from his words.

"I had a little help from old yellow eyes, y'know him, he almost beat Castiel to death at camp!" He laughed and I was rapidly pressing the button and wondering why Lucifer hadn't came yet. My father suddenly reached out and grabbed Samandriel by the hair and punching him in the stomach and then repeatedly hitting him in the face. I acted fast, grabbed my crutch and swinging it at his head barely hitting him.

Samandriel dropped to the floor and finally I heard footsteps running down the hall, but instead of Lucifer it was Adam. "You son of a bitch!" Adam yelled and kicked my father in the chest making him fly back out the door. As my father landed, Adam was already right in front of him kicking and punching.

I got down beside Samandriel to see tears in his eyes. I screamed and what sounded like a stampede came running towards the front door. My brother, Balthazar, Sam, Dean and Michael all ran to us before Lucifer spotted Adam kicking the ever loving shit out of our father. He quickly ran out and pulled Adam off of him before he had time to kill the man. (Even though I so desperately wanted him too.)

Michael was on the phone with the police and Adam ran back to the front while Lucifer made sure that douchebag was down. Samandriel was on the floor whimpering as Adam hoisted him up and Samandriel clung to him sobbing his eyes out. Adam was whispering to Samandriel in hope that he would calm down.

I stood up and Dean immediately hugged me. "Are you ok?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. I looked him in the eyes and with almost no hesitation and pressed my lips to his. I could tell he was caught of guard because it took him a full second before he started kissing back. He pulled away and smiled at me. "Cas I-" He started, but I cut him off with another kiss. "I know." I say and he pulls me in for another hug. It's the happiest I've ever felt.

The police finally arrived and cuffed our dad taking him back to the prison he escaped from. "Hey Adam? Can I stay with you tonight?" I heard Samandriel softly whisper followed by Adam nodding and his descend up the stairs (This is a 2 story house right?). "You too, Cas." Dean said picking me up bridal style bringing me to the downstairs bedroom because it would be easier for me to get out.

He set me in the bed and slid in beside me. I turned and cuddled into his chest, he wrapped an arm around me and threw the covers over me. "Cas?" He asked quietly. "Yes, Dean?" I replied slowly falling asleep. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Of course." I giggled and he pulled me closer to him and we slowly fall asleep.

This chapter was actually supposed to be depressing as fuck, like someone was scheduled to die, but I'm in a very good mood so I decided against it.

Y'all know how you're on your phone or iPad and you just fucking drop it on your face? Because that happened about five times while I was writing this chapter.

Wow my writing is just getting worse and worse as this book goes on.

I low key wrote Samandriel eight times in this entire chapter oof.

Found You (Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer, Adamandriel) //CANCELLED//Where stories live. Discover now