oh no, just not the devil herself

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That night Debbie had drank a lot of coffee and ate a lot of chocolate.

"Babe are you okay?" Claude asked her when he came home from work and found her in the dining room surrounded by pieces of paper from chocolate bars and empty coffee cups.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." She said looking out the window at the streets of London completely lost in her thoughts.

"Is that bitch over working you again?" He asked knowing very well how Lou can be.

"Oh no, I just got a lot on my mind right now, that's all. But she's not a bitch and you shouldn't be calling her that, she's my boss."

"But Deb... We always call her that. It's our thing." Claude said confused as to why his girlfriend all of the sudden doesn't like the nickname they gave to her boss.

"Well we should stop." Debbie said coldly. She didn't realize why she was acting this way, why she was defending Lou. That crazy woman proposed to her today for fuck's sake, and that's only so she doesn't get deported. "I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Now? It's 10 pm."

"Yes now." Brunette grabbed her jacket. She needed to clear her head. "You've got lasagna in the fridge just warm it up a bit." She placed a kiss on her boyfriend's cheek and left the condo.

She walked through the streets of London thinking of every possible situation that could happen if she said yes to Lou's proposal. None of them ended up well. It either ended with Lou in jail, or with both of them in jail, and she definitely didn't want to spend best of her days in prison.

Suddenly a black limo pulled over next to her but she kept going.

Great, now I'm gonna get kidnapped as well. Well, maybe that could get me out of this awful situation I'm in.

But then the window rolled down and she saw a very familiar face.

Oh no, just not the devil herself.

She kept walking pretending she didn't see her.

"Debbie!" Lou said almost yelling after her.

Just keep walking Debbie, keep walking.


You can do it Debbie, keep ignoring her, she'll go away.

Debbie knew better than to think that Lou would give up on anything, especially something that now, her life depends on.

"Deborah Ocean!" She said now yelling for real.

Debbie couldn't not turn around now.

"Damn it." She whispered to herself before turning around and facing the blonde. "Oh, hello Miss Miller."

"Please, call me Lou. You're gonna be my wife after all, aren't you?" She said with a tiny bit of, what Debbie thought was, hope in her voice.

"Um... I haven't decided yet.." Debbie said.

"Well, jump in. I'm going to a party at a night club my friend's opening. Maybe a night out with me will change your mind." Lou winked. And there it is again, that feeling that runs through Debbie's body every time. Thank's God it's night time so Lou can't see her bright red cheeks.

"But I'm not dressed appropriately..."

"Oh, when are you ever?" Debbie just rolled her eyes and got in the limo.

This is going to either be a fun night or a total disaster.

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