Chapter Twenty-Four: Flip For It

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Knowing how Tom felt about her may have been the cure to her sleepless nights if she hadn't had something new disrupting her sleep. Now visions of his mouth on her skin and his hands on her body kept Ada tossing and turning and doing other unspeakable things.

She'd imagined if they hadn't stopped, if he'd picked her up and laid his body over hers and undressed her in the dark coffee shop. She wondered if he was awake throughout the night doing the same unspeakable things with the same images playing in his mind.

When she thought about it, 'a quick screw on a public couch' sounded sexy as hell and what better place to make that ultimate connection than the place where they'd shared so many moments together.

It was tempting to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night and go to his place. She'd even gotten halfway dressed once or twice. But Ada chickened out. She wasn't that sneaky and didn't have enough energy to make it across town in one piece.

Ada woke up and eleven in the morning, about five hours later than she was used to.

"Well, good morning, sleepy bird!" her mother sang out from the living room as Ada closed the door to her staircase behind her.

"Morning." Ada's tone was far more groggy and stammered into the kitchen and grabbed herself a coffee before joining her mother on the couch.

"Hey, quick question. Did you tell a customer to get the hell out of the coffee shop?" her mother asked.

Ada held up her fingers before answering. "Little bit? I'm guessing the 'cover my non-fat drink with whipped cream and syrup' bitch complained?"

Her mom nodded and pulled up her hair into a bun. "First thing this morning. Crystal calmed her down with a weeks worth of free coffee. So you live to work another day. You know, I don't think I've ever heard about you losing your cool with a customer."

"There was just so much stupid last night," Ada explained with a shake of her head. "Like, seriously. I don't think I've ever seen so many stupid people in one place. They just kept parading in one at a time to taunt me."

Ada took her first drink of coffee before running her fingers through her tangled hair. "Anyhow, Tom was right behind her in line and that's when he took over with the customers, and all the stupid seemed to stop."

"Is it just me, or is he getting more good looking?" her mother asked as she readjusted on the couch.

Ada nodded, thinking back to when he pulled his wet shirt from his body. The memory caused her to lick her lips. "He's starting to wear clothes that fit him now. Give customers a hot guy to talk to and they become less of a pain in the ass."

"Your dad wants Tom to work at the shop this summer," her mom said randomly.

If Ada had already been drinking her coffee, it would have been spat all over the place. "But dad doesn't trust anyone besides family in that shop."

Her mom shrugged. "Summer is too busy for us to handle with all the doctors appointments and your grandmother wants to slow down. I put my foot down and said that we needed to hire someone, and your dad said the only one he'd trust is Tom."

"He's got plenty of friends who have offered to work."

Her mother waved it off. "They don't show up on time for anything that doesn't have free booze."

Hearing that her father trusted Tom more than most people outside of the family tied her stomach in knots. Her father didn't know his daughter asked Tom to kiss her. Twice. No idea that she admitted to wanting him. Thrice. No idea that a little over twelve hours ago, Tom had his hands on her body and his mouth on hers. No idea that his little girl had slept in because she was fantasizing about her dad's new friend and her soon-to-be ex teacher.

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