Deleted/Rewritten Scenes (Part Five)

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After the alternate questions game:

"Do I really have to wait two weeks?"

The lips curled upward beneath her fingertips, causing smile lines to form. "Sorry." When Tom's mouth closed at the end of the word, he place a small kiss against her skin.

Ada sucked in a breath as goosebumps covered her skin and the sound of her own heart beating filled her eardrums at a blaring volume. "Just one," Ada pleaded in a half whisper.

Tom's eyes opened and his hand moved hers in order to place a kiss against her wrist. "Something tells me I could never kiss you just once, Ada."

Ada's name never sounded so sensual as it did in that moment. She had to bite her lip just to keep her mouth in check.

"Don't tempt me."

It took Ada a moment to realize he was referring to her chewing on her lip, so she drew out her tongue to wet them. It was a spiteful and unfair move.Tom inhaled sharply as she had before, and the way his gray eyes darkened and smoldered, the action was completely worth it.

A mischievous grin took over Ada's face, causing Tom to glare at her. She couldn't help but tease him some more. "Aren't you worried about what two weeks of built up desire will do?"

Tom's glare softened and he let out a quiet chuckle. "My desire for you has been building up for a while. Somehow I manage just fine."

And that seemed true. She'd seen no sign of his desire until he decided to admit to it, whereas she turned into a babbling, sexually charged moron at the sight of him. "Well, screw you and the morals you rode in on."

Tom's smile grew and he shifted on his futon mattress, turning to the side and resting his head in his hand in order to raise himself closer to her. "Something tells me that kissing you is still in a morally gray area, no matter when it happens, but at least waiting a couple of weeks might spare me eternity in Hell."

Ada couldn't stop herself (realistically, she probably could have) and dropped her hand to link her fingers with his free hand. "Are you worried?"

"About going to Hell?"

Ada shook her head. "About what will happen after the kiss," Ada explained. " It just sort of feels like a lose/lose. If nothing is there, that's fine, I guess. But what if one of us feels something and the other doesn't? Won't that ruin the friendship?"

"It could," Tom admitted.

"And what if we both feel it? What are we going to do about my parents? And what about the school? They're probably going to think something was going on before."

"They might."

Ada's green eyes squinted at him. "Can you please stop answering in two word sentences?"

Tom sat up and moved the hand he was leaning on to Ada's cheek, cupping it gently in his palm and rubbing his thumb against her skin. "Do you want to kiss me, Ada?" She nodded and Tom let out a sigh. "That's the only thing we can control, our own actions. What your mom or the school thinks or what your dad does, I can't control that and neither can you.

"I'm not going to lie to you, your parents are probably going to hate me and there's a good chance that your dad is gonna beat the living shit out of me and will probably be disappointed in you. I might lose my job and you might lose some friends. I could even get banned from the coffee shop."

His hand moved to her hair and he ran his fingers through the blonde strands, his eyes seeming to study the feature. "Like I told your dad the night he threatened me, I know the risks. I know I could lose a lot of shit, just like I could have over our friendship. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't care. But I think of what I could gain and that's what makes the risk worth it."

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