Chapter Forty-Four: Away From It All

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Tom hadn't made this trip in a while, but it was still second nature to him and didn't have to think twice about which turn to take.

Like the area they lived in now, it was a cluster of small towns. When he was looking at Ridgewood to move to after Frank offered him the teaching position, he jumped at the chance. It was only a five and a half hour drive to his family, close enough to make the trip but far enough away for any surprise visits. Ridgewood reminded so much of the area where he spent his summers growing up. But Boulder River had its differences. It was smaller and a hell of a lot more rustic, so rustic they went to the next town over to shop and eat. While they loved their cabin, the town itself had a slight 'Deliverance' feel to it.

Tom took the last turn down the gravel road, noticing the sign that held their family's name on the tree was just dangling there, facing upward toward the sky rather than the direction of the road. Not that he needed the sign to tell him where he was going. He made a mental note to fix that before they left and kept on driving down the road, which was more of an oversized walking path. There was no way in hell two cars could pass each other on it.

The cabin came into view, looking miniscule compared to the towering oaks that surrounded it. The aroma of algae and wet earth came in through his open window, the smell that reminded him of the beginning of all his summer's. Dead leaves had been all cleaned up, proving that his family had already come and prepared the cabin as he expected.

"It's beautiful here," Ada said from his side. He glanced over and saw her looking every which way.

As soon as Tom put his car in park and killed the engine, he could hear the river in the near distance. The sound was almost deafening up close with all the large boulders, which was how the town got its name. There were also a series of waterfalls a few miles downstream.

It wasn't until then he remembered Ada's list and her desire to go to the waterfalls upstate. It hadn't even occurred to him then that she was likely referring to these waterfalls, which was about the only tourist attraction the town had.

The realization made Tom laugh.

"What?" Ada asked, looking confused.

"Your list. You said you wanted to go to the waterfalls upstate." It was kismet, although he felt like a dumbass for not putting two and two together.

"Are they close?"

Tom grabbed his cell phone and dropped his keys in the cup holder, not bothering to lock it or roll up the window. "They're in walking distance."

A giant smile took over Ada's face, and she lit up in a way he hadn't seen before, making him feel kinda proud that he could check something off her list with little effort. She did a tiny dance in her seat before taking off her seatbelt and jumping out of the car.

Tom didn't run after her. Instead, he reached over to the back seat and he realized they'd packed jack shit for this trip. So he got out of the car, having to slap a mosquito on his arm, and looked up toward the now decrepit tree house he and his brother built with their dad when they were kids. He remembered three summers ago wanting to fix it up with his niece and nephew, but they weren't interested in anything that didn't involve a television or gadget.

Ada was already standing in the walking path that led down to the river, staring down at in awe.

"This river's way cooler than mine," she said once he got close enough to hear her.

He stood behind her, more interested in the sight in front of him then the one a hundred feet away. Tom moved her short blonde hair to the side and kept it out of his way as he nuzzled her neck. His other hand went to rest on her stomach before finding its way upward, just below her breasts.

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