Deleted/ Rewritten Scenes (Part Four)

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During the storm/ Alternate first kiss:

She blamed the universe for this. Every time Ada shook this off, reminded herself that none of this was true, someone in her life would pop in to remind her. The thoughts would return, imagining if all the nonsense wasn't so ludicrous after all.

Throughout all the preparations for the storm, the images in her head didn't fade. Pots were filled with water, all dirty dishes were cleaned, coffee was made and the cooler was filled with ice and a few perishables, along with Tom's beer. The distractions from the storm were fleeting because every time she heard Tom come in from outside and everytime she heard him move around in the living room, Ada was reminded of her brother's words, along with everyone else's words who ever added fuel to the rumor fire.

As the storm finally arrived in all its glory outside, Ada began to light the candles just at as power went out. It wasn't completely dark outside yet, so there was enough light to find your way around without running into things. Tom also appeared to have the fireplace going in the living room, the shadows of the flames dancing on the walls of the hallway between them.

Ada had already set the table placed the heated casserole in the middle of the table. Peter had found the radio that Ada sent him to look for, one she actually thought had been thrown out a long time ago, and her mother's Janis Joplin CD played in the background.

"Dinner!" Ada called out before she sat in her chair. She'd already grabbed a beer for Tom, a milk for Peter and a water for herself.

Ada realized she'd need something a hell of a lot stronger than water when Tom walked in, his skin glowing from the flickering candles.

Her eyes connected with his as he sat down at the table across from her and Ada's hand instinctively went to her hair, touching the strands only for a moment before she willed it back to the table. He noticed, of course, but didn't appear to be as amused as he usually was when she made the gesture. The only sign of him noticing at all was his stare following the movement.

Ada licked her lips and dropped her gaze to her plate, which she'd already filled with food. "It's just leftovers. I didn't have time to make anything else."

"No worries. It looks good," she heard him say from across the table.

Peters footsteps pulled her eyes away from the plate and she tried to act as if nothing had happened; as if everything was completely normal.

Peter talked for most of the meal, talking about all his classmates and how happy his teachers were at seeing his extra effort recently. He mostly talked to Tom, who seemed genuinely interested.

Every time Tom made a move to look Ada's way, her gaze retreated. It was hard not to look at him during the meal, but getting caught looking at him was a whole other thing. She assumed he could feel her gaze, but she wasn't about to let him prove it by catching her in the act.

Why did Peter have to say something? Why couldn't her home be a safe zone, an escape from the rumor and all that came with it?

Now all she could think about were Peter's words and all the questions they created.

How did they act like a couple?

When did they look like they were about to kiss?

What made him think like they wanted to kiss?

"You okay, Ada?"

Ada's eyes fled from Tom and toward Peter. She'd been in a daze since the beginning of the meal and now noticed that while they were both nearly done, she'd only moved food around with her fork. Her eyes moved to Tom, who appeared concerned.

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