Chapter 6 - Ruin

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Fun fact: there have now been at least two Randy secret dungeons now

The break is over, you guys, and the Defense Destroyers are back in action! Are you as hyped for this series as I am, because I am hyped up to the max! It's just 14 days before my birthday as I type this and I just got a new tablet, so maybe that has something to do with the hype?

Anyway, I care a lot about these fanfiction, and I'd really appreciate it if you could vote and comment on the chapters you like! Thank you so much!


Chapter 6

The Vrofagus Ruins were never supposed to be so empty and devoid of life.

The last Olivia remembered of the Ruins, there had been Elementals of all three tiers pretty much everywhere. The Low Elementals circled the borders, followed by Werewolves; the wolves searched for easy prey to devour. Further in, regular Elementals like Bremis and Taharus floated aimlessly. Though they weren't any less of an annoyance than the Low Elementals, they did tend to hit quite harder than the Low Elementals did.

Even further still were the Elementals of the highest tier: the High Elementals. They were strange humanoid creatures, birthed from the soil and always female. Olivia learned from experience that the ones who had the power to cause a Tectonic Shift were quite deadly. Olivia especially feared the fire ones, whom the other monsters in the ruins addressed as Sister Kahli.

At the heart of the Vrofagus Ruins laid Guardian Tagaros. The fiery, infernal demon slept for an eternity, only arising if ruthless travelers attempted to destroy the Ruins. In all honesty, Guardian Tagaros had not awakened since the strange Dark Magicians and their leader, the monster-human hybrid Lady Arang opened up the Portal to Another World. But at the very least, there were monsters of some kind wandering around.

So why was Vrofagus Ruins so abandoned?

That was a question that Olivia wouldn't have an answer for – at least for a while. Immediately, Olivia was put at unease when she and Bulldozer got off the ship (reluctantly dragging the now-unconscious Randy and Copper with them). The ruins loomed around the two. The feeling in Olivia's gut of being unwelcome grew stronger. Why did her mouth feel so dry all of a sudden? It's not like she was hungry or anything.

"This place feels off for some reason..." Olivia hummed to her partner.

Bulldozer hauled the petite Bounty Hunter up, before taking a look around. "...Seems fine to me. Then again, don't think the Summoner's ever taken me to the Ruins, so don't take m'word for it."

"...I could've sworn there were monsters around the outskirt." Olivia stopped at the entrance of the ruins. The cave was disheveled; stray pieces of rock kicked haphazardly around the ruins. Usually the Low Elementals would stop to clean up the area - that is, before the Werewolves tried to feast on them. Even then, the caves weren't so empty. It was almost like the ruins had been abandoned in a hurry.

"Bulldozer, do you think you could scope out the area for any wild monsters?" Olivia asked. "I'll keep watch of Randy and Copper, lest they wake up. We could question them and find out who sent them..."

"Aight, sure." Bulldozer cracked the metal joints of his knuckles, and headed off.

Olivia decided to keep watch of the two bounty hunters; they hadn't wanted the two of them to wake up on the ship and tell someone who The Consumer was. It was obvious that Olivia's cover had been blown, and they didn't want to take any chances. Olivia shivered at the thought of...possibly needing to kill them. She hated killing, and only wanted to do it when absolutely necessary – such as during feeding time. She stared mindlessly at Randy, her thoughts slowly becoming ever more twisted and warped.

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