chapter 14

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Steve was in the middle of a basketball game, his team versus Bill Hargrove's team. Julia sat on the bleachers, reading the book she was assigned for homework last night. Steve bounced the ball from in between his legs. As much as Julia hated to admit it, Hargrove had a nice body.

The two boys grunted as Billy tried to grab the ball from him. "Harrington, right? I heard you use to run this school. That true? King Steve, they used to call you, huh? Then you turned bitch."

Billy smirked, knowing what to say to agitate the boy. "You caught feelings for that Henderson chick, right?"

Steve was frustrated, but continued to play the game. "Hey maybe you should just shut up and just play the game." "Well sorry to take the crown off your head 'king Steve' but it looks like your girl is checking out my body."

Steve look forward at Julia, who's eyes quickly glanced down at her book. Billy took this chance to shove him to the ground and steal the ball.

Billy earned a point, licking his bottom lip making eye contact with her. Julia rolled her eyes, attempting not to look up again. Not even a split second later, Nancy called out Steve's name. As Steve left the court, Billy turned around eyeing Julia as she continued to ready her book.

Julia sat on the living room couch, as her mother pour cat food in Mews dish, calling out to the cat. Dustin entered the house, slamming the door frantically. "Hey Dusty." "Hi. Hey mom, Jules.

"Everything okay?" "Yeah, everything is fine." He walked away, leaving his mom and sister confused. "I'll go check on him, he's been anxious lately" Her mom thankfully smiled and nodded her head.

She entered Dustin's room right as he was about to close the door. "Okay dude why is there a stick up your ass" she asked turning her back to the door.

"I-uh, theres-um." "Why is there a sheet on Yurtles tank?" She walked over to take it off, but the turtle wasn't there. The glass was broken, slime oozed off the broken shards. "Dustin.. what did you do?"

Dustin picked up what appeared to be mottled skin from a reptile. "What the hell?" The siblings asked in unison. A loud screeching came from the corner of the room.

Julia jumped at the sudden loud noise. "Dart?" Dustin called out, no response. "What the fuck is Dart?" Julia was terrified at the moment.

There was a trail of blood, leading from the middle of the room to where the grunting was. "Dust..." Julia called for her brother, but he continues walking towards it.

The two peered around the chair to see Dart ingesting the stomach and intestines of their beloved cat Mews. Julia gasped by accident, bringing the odd creature to screech at them, it's mouth bared. Julia and Justin backed away from the scene, the look of sheer terror in their eyes.

"Okay your dealing with Mews, I'll lure the Demogorgon into the storm cellar." "Demodog" she looked at her brother scrunching eyebrows. "Its a smaller version of the demogorgon, it's the size of a dog."

"Dustin." She sighed, Dustin attempted to argue, not wanting to touch the bloody cat. "Dustin Henderson you brought it into the house you're dealing with the fucking cat." She pinched the bridge of her nose. He sighed and passed her a cluster of 3 Musketeer Bars. "He likes nougat."

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