Jon Snow x Pregnant!Reader (Requested by RebeccaSchneider9)

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A/N- This imagine is for RebeccaSchneider9. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had been anxious for Jon's return since you had first found out what he would be returning to. Since he had become the King in the North and had come back into your life, he had been travelling a lot, leaving you and his family back in Winterfell as he attempted to find allies for the war to come. You were happy to be his wife, and though you had never spoken with him about raising a family of your own, you knew that you had wanted to wait until after the Night King was dead and the North was at peace. But now, already five months pregnant, you would have to tell him, or more accurately show him. You had already begun showing, your stomach poking out through your dress and causing you a lot of issues as you attempted to move around how you had done before the babe.

"Have you heard from the travelling party?" you asked Sansa, wringing your hands together as you perched on the edge of your seat, watching her with such intensity that it caused her to chuckle.

She released a small sigh as she smiled over the table at you, "they will be here in two days time," she answered you softly, leaning forward to put her hand over yours, stopping your movement. "You needn't worry, he'll be over the moon when he hears your news.

You forced a small smile to your lips, thinking over her words. "I'm not so sure," you muttered quietly, shifting in your seat, "he already has so much to worry about without a baby being in the picture."

"He needs an heir, Y/N, especially with everything else he's so worried about. This is a good thing, for him and for the North." You nodded in agreement.

"I just hope he sees it that way," you murmured with a small shrug.

She released another small chuckle as she watched you, "he loves you," she told you softly, "and if he is anything less than delighted I will make him regret ever getting you so upset." You snorted in laughter, causing her to smile sweetly at you.

You had grown up beside the Starks, your mother being one of Lady Stark's chamber maids, and you had been close to Sansa when you were a small child. The two of you would have done anything for one another, but when you had grown close to Jon she had been wary and had tried to warn you off of him. You had regretted the argument it had caused, and once she had left for King's Landing, and Jon had left for the Wall, you had been heart broken that you were no longer in touch with the sweet girl. "You are far too good to me," you answered her as you got to your feet, rounding the table to wrap your arms around her and giving her a tight squeeze.

"And yet you still deserve better," she told you softly, patting your back as you pulled away.

"There is no such thing as better than your family." You both watched one another for a moment, small, sad smiles on your lips as you both thought of those who were no longer around.

"You are as much a part of my family as Arya or Jon," she murmured as you made your way to the door.

You paused for a moment, glancing back at her with a small smile, "thank you," you told her, "I'll see you at dinner."

*Time Skip*

You were waiting with Sansa and Arya at the gates of Winterfell, each shrouded in your furs, and you had quickly pulled yours so that it hid your stomach from view. You were clinging to Sansa's hand like a child clinging to their mother, and she would shoot you small, reassuring smiles wherever she could, giving your hand a tight squeeze when she felt you grow more uncomfortable.

"How much longer?" Arya muttered, shifting on the spot. She had always been someone who had to keep moving, unable to stop her fidgeting, and in that moment you understood her unease. IT felt like torture to be standing in such terrible cold and just waiting for the group to arrive.

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