Stannis Baratheon x Stark!Reader - Unfaithful

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A/N- This kind of short imagine is based on the song Unfaithful by Rihanna. I hope you are all enjoying the imagines at the moment. If you have any questions or queeries please leave them in the comments below.

You forced a sweet smile onto your lips as you paused at your bedroom door, taking a deep breath before pushing it open and slipping through the gap. "You're late," Stannis grumbled, sitting comfortably at the foot of the bed and not even bothering to look at you as you came closer to him.

"I was making sure Sansa had settled," you answered him softly, pausing and running your hand lightly over his shoulder, "she struggles in new places," you added as you moved away, taking your bed dress in your hands and turning back to him.

You could already tell he didn't believe you, his frown so small that it was barely there, but you knew he had heard all of your excuses before. "How's she doing?" he asked, shifting to his feet and gesturing for you to turn away from him. You did as he had told you and felt his hands come up to loosen the binds on the dress, freeing you from the material.

"She's fine, just nervous, she's never been outside of Winterfell without our Mother before," you told him, so used to lying to him that it now came to you almost instinctively. You allowed the dress to drop to the floor, feeling his hand linger on your arm for a moment before he moved away from you and settled back onto the bed. You felt sick for a moment, knowing he would have seen the marks, that had been left on your neck, from where he had been standing behind you.

"As long as she is comfortable," he started again, watching as you pulled the nightclothes over your head, and turned to face him again.

"Thanks to your warm welcome she is far more comfortable than I had expected." You smiled as you moved over to him, crawling into the bed and tucking yourself close to his side. You clenched your eyes shut when he sighed slightly, his arm coming to rest around your shoulders.

The room was quiet for a moment, and you had begun to believe that Stannis had fallen asleep beside you until he muttered quietly, "I hope you know I love you."

You swallowed, letting out a soft chuckle that seemed somewhat out of place. "I know, My Darling," you paused for a moment, "I love you too," you added, reaching up and running your hand over his cheek lightly, his eyes still shut, as though hoping he wouldn't see you lie to him again.

*Time Skip*

Sansa smiled as she pulled open the door to her bed chambers, but it soon faltered as she saw your frown. Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips turned down, but she remained silent. "I need some advice," you told her softly, biting down on your bottom lip as she gestured for you to come inside.

"What's happened?" she asked you softly, her sweet face almost causing you to turn back. She was too young, too innocent, to hear about your sordid affair. You took a deep shaking breath, allowing your eyes to find hers.

"I've been unfaithful," you started, Sansa attempted to hide her surprise, but still her eyes widened as she watched you. "Before you say anything, I know that it is wrong," you told her and her eyebrows furrowed once more.

She licked her lips as she moved to speak, "Is?" she asked you softly, "so you are still," she attempted to continue but you nodded before she could finish her sentence. "Why did you come to me?" she asked you and you shrugged slightly.

"I hoped that you would be able to convince me to stop," you told her, your voice no louder than a breath as you shook your head. "Stannis knows," you added softly, "there is no way he could have missed it, not after so long."

She looked utterly stunned at the new revolution. "Surely if he knew he would have said something," she started and you shook your head again.

"He hasn't said a word, but I can see it hurts him every time I lie." Sansa was surprised when you let out a sob, your hand coming up to your mouth in an attempt to hold it in. "I hate hurting him," you started, "I want to do the right thing but being without my lover would make me miserable."

"I'm no good at advice," she told you quietly,and you let out a choked laugh, "father is always the best person to ask."

All sense of joking left you as you locked your eyes on hers. "You cannot tell father," you told her firmly, "he'll lose his head if he finds out, and I don't want to be the one he takes his anger out on."

"I would never," she started softly, "I was simply saying that father is the best at advice, I'm much more like mother when it come to being logical."

You took a deep breath; you trusted Sansa more than anyone else in the world to keep your secret, but still there was a something nagging at the back of your mind. "I should stop seeing him, shouldn't I?"

"Yes," she told you, her answer firm and final, "it is not fair for Stannis to have to live this way," she added and you nodded your agreement.

"Thank you," you told her softly, reaching out and squeezing her hand lightly before getting to your feet. "I ought to go and see the housekeeper, I believe she had some menu's that I needed to confirm." You made your way out of the room as quickly as possible, wishing for the conversation to be over so that you could get on with the rest of your life.

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें