Christmas Special 2018- Sandor Clegane X Reader

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A/N- Welcome to this years Christmas themed imagine. I hope that, though there wouldn't be christmas, or any other Christian holidays in Westeros, you still enjoy it. Happy Holidays Everyone!

Christmas eve was always one of your favourite nights of the year. The Baratheon children would head to bed early, in hopes that when they woke up the next morning Santa Clause would have paid them a visit and rewarded their extra good behaviour. As soon as the children were asleep you were free for the night, and you had no intentions of wasting a second of your free time. You wouldn't spend ours on getting all dolled up, and instead would stroll down in your work clothes to meet your friends at a local tavern; far enough from the Red Keep that you wouldn't bump into anyone from work, but close enough that you could easily stumble home on your own once you had drunk your fill.

This year was no different, and when you made it to the Stag's Head the party was already in full swing. Everyone was cheering and singing, swinging their mugs of ale around and sloshing the golden liquid across the floors of the bar. It always brought a smile to your lips, seeing that such happiness was achievable, even for those who were somewhat less fortunate, and here you were, stuck on your spot, watching the festivities until your friend appeared in front of you.

"We've been calling your name for, like, five minutes," she cried out, dragging you into a tight hug before hurrying you over to an already full table. You smiled as you reached the group, recognising most of them from when you had all lived in flee bottom. It would be brought up multiple times whilst you were out, that you had bettered yourself. It was always the cause of a few laughs. What if our Queen saw you in such a place, and in this state? She shouldn't have a girl like you corrupting her sweet innocent children. It was all in jest, and you would laugh along as though it didn't worry you. But it was all true; if the Queen were ever to hear of your drunken behaviour you would be out on the street without hesitation. Of course, the King would likely clap you on the back and join in the laughter; he was much more relaxed than his wife, and had always been kind to you. "What are you drinking?"

Lucille had always been your best friend, from the time you were first crawling. It had always been good to have your friend as a neighbour, easy access at short notice, and bedrooms so close together that you could call out her name at night and get a response through the walls. You smiled over at her as you squeezed onto one of the benches. "I'll have whatever you're having." She nodded before weaving off through the crowd again. She knew you well enough to get a drink into your hand as soon as possible. You would loosen up a little after the first, and by the time you had finished the second you would be as chatty as any other patron. By the end of the third drink you would be up and singing on the table.

The table continued to chatter as you scanned the crowd, checking for anyone you recognised from the Red Keep, but no faces seemed to ring a bell, and you decided to just relax as Luce slipped your first ale in front of you. She smiled as you took your first sip, allowing the warm liquid to slip down your throat. "You look tired."

You quirked an eyebrow at her, smirking slightly as you shifted across to let her sit beside you. "Thanks," you started softly, causing her to chuckle.

"I'm being serious," she exclaimed, "those people overwork you."

You sighed slightly, giving her a small shrug. You had been having the same conversation every year since you had begun working for the Baratheon family. Luce would claim they didn't treat you well enough, that you cared too much about the children you looked after, that they were brats. You always found yourself defending them. Sure, Joffrey was a little rough around the edges, but Myrcella and Tommen were some of the kindest, and well behaved, children you had ever met. "I enjoy my work," you told her softly, "can we not do this again, you added, bringing the mug back to your lips and taking a deep gulp.

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