Theon Greyjoy X Reader - Don't Get Me Wrong

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Don't Get Me Wrong' by Lewis Capaldi. I hope you all enjoy it.

You would always be the first to admit that your relationship with Theon had come from a bad place. In the beginning, you'd had no interest in him at all. He was there, and you had just broken your own heart by longing after a man who would never want you. You had convinced yourself that you were utterly in love with Robb, and then, it had become clear that he would never feel the same way, and you had lost control of yourself.

After that, you should have left Winterfell. You knew that now, and wished that your brain could have put the pieces together then, rather than waiting until it was far too late. Instead, you had allowed yourself to fall into Theon's bed and, quite quickly, his heart too. You should have left when he had first told you he loved you. It should have been enough to scare you into running away, but all it had done was tie you to him. You had been so caught up in the idea of being loved and needed that you had continued on with the act, tricking him into believing that you adored him as much as he adored you.

It had been easy at first. Leading him along when he had always been a crude little shit, incapable of respecting women, had felt almost right. But then he had opened himself up to you. You'd seen the broken parts of him that you had never known existed, and you had felt the guilt rising up in your chest, leaving you choked up. You had claimed that the idea of him in such turmoil was painful to you, explaining away the emotional reaction to his confession.

The idea of hurting him now, made you want to cry. The idea of breaking his heart as Robb had shattered yours left you feeling sick to your stomach. And yet, you couldn't bring yourself to stop. You couldn't force yourself to love him, and though you cared about him as a dear friend, there was no true love in you. But, you couldn't leave him without bringing him pain, and you found yourself growing distant when he would pull you to him. 

"Are you alright?" The question was enough to make your breath catch in your throat, your jaw tightening as you attempted to calm yourself. "You seem a little out of sorts," he added, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to the top of your head.

You nodded slightly, pressing your face into his chest and wrapping yourself tighter around him. "I'm fine," you murmured softly as his hands ran down your spine, causing you to shift uncomfortably against him.

"Are you sure?" Gods, how you wished Theon wasn't so perceptive. You were certain there wasn't another woman in the Seven Kingdoms who would wish for such a thing of their partner, but here you were, wishing he would distance himself as you had. 

"I'm okay. I promise." Theon nodded, leaning down to draw you into such a gentle kiss that it made the guilt in you rise once more. "Shouldn't you be off somewhere, training?" you muttered as he pulled away, and his smile quickly faded from his lips as he nodded.

"Yeah," he told you softly. "But, I'd rather be here with you," he added, his hand coming up to run his fingertips over your cheek. 

You shifted slightly, causing his hand to drop from your skin, hanging awkwardly at his side. "Lord Stark won't like it if you're late," you started again, forcing a smile onto your lips as you moved away from him, headed for your dressing table.

As you picked through the bits littering the surface, you felt Theon's hands on your hips, pulling you back into his chest. "Where's my kiss goodbye?" he mumbled, his lips touching the skin of your neck ever so lightly as causing you to fight back a shiver. 

This was always the worst part. Theon could be needy, and though that had been magnificent when you'd first begun spending time together, now it had grown into something you dreaded. "I thought I'd already given you one," you uttered, feeling his hands tighten their grip on your hip, twisting you ever so slightly as he pressed his lips to your jaw.

"Just one more then?" he murmured, his breath hot against your skin.

You wanted to scream and tell him no. You wanted to confess that you'd had enough and that you were going to leave him. But, you simply nodded, twisting to press a quick kiss to his lips, his hands capturing your face to hold you in place as he deepened the embrace. As he released you, you had told hold in the instinct to wipe at your lips, to clear them of his taste. Instead, you forced a smile as he headed for the door, glancing back at you with a grin as he always had.

And then the words were tumbling out of you before you could catch them, and you smile was non-existent. "Theon, I'm not happy anymore." You wanted to be sick as his smile turned into a frown, his brow furrowing in concern as he paused mid-step. "I don't think I love you."

There was a moment of silence as Theon continued to stare at you. Both of you standing completely still on your opposite sides of the room. "You don't think you love me, or you just don't love me?" 

You swallowed around the lump in your throat, biting down on your bottom lip as you attempted to figure out which answer would be less painful. "I'm not sure," you finally answered, shifting on the spot. 

Gods, he looked as though he was about to burst into tears, and in that moment you wanted nothing more than to take the words back and to hold him as you would have done when you'd first started your relationship. He needed comforting, and now, you would have to keep yourself from being the one to do it.

"I'm sorry," you murmured, and he shook his head. 

"No," he uttered, voice thick and gruff. "I should've known this was too good to be true."

Fuck. That one stung. "Theon, please," you started again, though you weren't quite sure how to finish your own sentence. "I didn't want to hurt you."

He glanced up at you, eyes flooded with tears, and let out a noise that you assumed was supposed to be a laugh, though it in no way resembled the sound you had become fond of in your time together. "Yeah," he muttered. And then he was gone, slamming the door of your chambers shut behind him.

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