Stannis Baratheon x Reader - Survival

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song Survival by Eminem (Ft. Liz Rodrigues.) It is by far one of my favourite Eminem songs and I always catch myself singing along when it comes on my spotify. I hope you all enjoy it.

Everyone had expected you to settle as you grew older, hoped you would lose your fierce and competitive nature and marry someone who would tame you, but you had never been good at doing what was expected of you. Your husbands didn't seem to mind that you hadn't turned to the meak little wife as soon as he had wed you, in fact, he seemed rather pleased when you first scolded him for attempting to tell you what to do.

Stannis had already had the wife who would roll over and do as she was told, and it had ended in disaster. But you were different, and you weren't about to let him give up on taking the throne back for your new family. "The lannister's wont let you live now that you have begun your rebellion," you had told him one evening, lying beside him in your bed and smiling up at the canopy of your bed. "They can't risk you coming back and seizing power, and you should refuse to give in to their silly little threats."

"And how is it you came to know of such dangerous things?" he had asked you. At first you had assumed he was attempting to reprimand you for speaking out of term, but you quickly recognised the curiousity in his eyes as he rolled to face you.

You smiled slightly, shifting to glance at him out of the corner of your eyes. "I am knowledgable about a lot of things, My Love. Rebellion just happens to be my forte." He let out a snort of laughter when he caught your smirk.

"You are full of surprises." He was out of bed soon after, sitting hunched at his desk and rubbing his temples with one of his rough hands. You remained silent, watching as he filed through sheet after sheet of parchment, and flicked through the pages of more books than your old library had been able to hold. Finally, he released a sigh, "just how knowledgable are we talking?" he muttered lightly, and you bit your lip as he glanced at you.

"More so than my father thought healthy for anyone, let alone a lady." He nodded slightly, turning back to his papers for a moment before raising one hand and gesturing for you to come to him. You did as you were told, crossing the room rather quickly and glancing over his shoulder. He grunted, shifting his seat backwards slightly, and patting his knee for you to sit. Once more, you followed his silent instruction, perching in his lap and drawing the closest book to your knee. "What is it you were looking for?"

"I do not know King's Landing well enough to take it by force," he started, watching as you nodded, but as he went to continue you interupted.

"Have you considered attacking Casterly Rock?" 

His brows furrowed at your question, but he shook his head. "Taking Casterly Rock would do nothing to help us take the throne."

"We wouldn't need to take it necessarily, just put down enough pressure that they feel the need to quicken their defences." He remained confused, and you chuckled lightly, reaching up and smoothing out his creased brow. "If we could split their army in two we could probably take King's Landing and hold it for long enough that we could kill the heirs and seize power."

You watched as a smile spread across your husbands lips, and felt his hand tighten on your knee. "You are far smarter than your father ever gave you credit for," he uttered softly, craning his neck to press a kiss to your lips.

*Time Skip*

You bit down on your lip as you leant over the map of Westeros, considering your next move. Stannis had been eager to test your abilities, before putting your true plan into action, and you had spent much of the last few days carefully planning raid after raid to prove that your first idea hadn't been a fluke.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look standing here like this." Stannis' voice caused you to jump, glancing in his direction before releasing a light laugh, and shaking your head.

You had found that your 'new' skill had brought you closer to your husband, and it had been nice to discover that you could have something in common, other than your want for an heir. "On the contrary, I know exactly how beautiful I look, and I just do it to get your attention."

Stannis chuckled, a rare but handsome sound. "You needn't do all this to get my attention," he told you, pushing off of the door frame and coming further into the room. Within moments he hand his hands on your hips and was pulling you away from your work to kiss you. 

"I'm busy," you chided him, shifting to turn back to the table. 

Your husband groaned slightly, moving closer behind you and letting his hand wander forwards to your stomach. "But Darling," he started, causing you to smile ever so slightly.

"Once we have taken King's Landing we will have all of the time in the world to fuck, and drink, and be merry. But for now, you need to let me work." You lifted your hand, allowing your fingers to link with his for a moment. You turned to face him, pressing a hurried kiss against his lips. "For now, my sole focus is crowning you King of the seven Kingdoms." 

"Well, we better make it fast," he grumbled, though you could see the teasing glint in his eyes, "I doubt I can last much longer, seeing you look so perfect and being unable to act on my urges."

"Soon," you told him softly, hurrying back to your work.

"I can't wait."

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