Part 100 - Sandor Clegane X Stark!Reader

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A/N- This imagine is the 100th chapter in this book, and therefore it calls for a special passion project post, as is the tradition for the special occasions on my books. This is based on the song 'Don't Lie To Me' by Barbra Streisand because it gave me a vibe of what I expect the next season of Game of Thrones to be. Usual requested posts will be back next week. I hope you all enjoy it.

The battlefield was covered in a sheet of snow, blanketing your enemy in a layer of thick white and camouflaging them against the ground. Winterfell justed out of the cold like an iceberg out of the sea, and you watched as its shadow crept forward, shielding your men from the early morning sun. The light glistened off of the snow, blinding you momentarily. You squinted, keeping your eyes fixed on the distant figures. 

Soon enough you would be fighting for your lives; for the lives of every man, woman and child in Westeros. Sickness made your stomach turn over, leaving you taking heavy breaths, unable to leave your post. The dead would come marching towards you soon, and you would have to be ready. 

"Keep your head up," a gruff voice interrupted your thoughts, "your men already doubt your ability; show fear and they'll be gone before the battle even begins."

You rolled your shoulders back, lifting your chin as you glanced over at Sandor Clegane. The two of you had become close since he had come to Winterfell, and his presence helped to settle your nerves somewhat. "My men doubt me?" you answered simply, feigning ignorance, a small smile dancing across your lips when he let out a light chuckle. The two of you were quiet for a moment until you reached out and took his hand in yours. "Are you scared?"

"Does it matter?" You shook your head, biting down on your bottom lip as you glanced back towards the dead men. "Fear has nothing to do with this; we have no choice but to fight."

You were silent again, allowing your hand to drop back to your side as you released your grip on him. "Shouldn't you be with your men?" The realisation has suddenly hit you, that Sandor had abandoned his post to be with you.

"Lord Snow had me moved over; we decided there was too much resistance from your lot."

You nodded, sniffing back tears that wanted to run from your eyes. You lifted your hand to shakily wipe away the brimming tears, swiping as though it would make them stop, but they kept coming, and soon you were stifling sobs.

Sandor took a few steps closer to you, placing his arm around your shoulders. "You can still go back inside before they barricade the gates. I'm sure your sister will be happy for the company." 

"Sansa will be fine-" you answered him, tucking yourself closer into his side, "-and I can't leave you out here, alone."

"I wouldn't be alone," he quipped, glancing down at you as his hand lifted to swipe away a few loose tears from your cheeks. 

"But how would I forgive myself if you never came back?"

You were caught off guard when his lips met yours, knocking the air out of your chest and leaving you breathless. "You would have my forgiveness-" his lips were close to yours, brushing against one another ever so slightly as he spoke, "- if it would keep you safe." 

Your fingers lifted, the tips drifting over his scarred cheek for a moment. "Okay," you uttered softly, "but you have to promise me that you won't do anything stupid." He nodded slightly, lifting his head to glance across the battlefield, until you gripped his chin, drawing his eyes back to yours. "That means not being a hero," you added, and he nodded again.

"I will do whatever it takes to come back to you." You leaned up, kissing him again.

"Good," you murmured, your hands lingering on his face for a moment longer before tearing yourself away. "I ought to go inside before they begin the lockdown."

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora