Chapter 15

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I really hope this outfit will keep me warm for today. I mean, it should bu-

Why the hell am I worrying about my outfit!

I take a few deep breaths and I fix my ponytail. Today, I have on a cropped gray sweater with black jeans with my converses.

Zoe and I haven't talked since yesterday. We have been avoiding each other around the house and honestly, I am okay with that. I am done trying to get her out of the mess she builds for herself.

I grab my bag and rush downstairs and out of the door. I walk to the bus stop and wait patiently for the bus to come. When the bus comes, I walk inside the bus and sit at the seat closest to the driver. 10 minutes later and we arrive at school. I walk out the bus and into the school building. I ready myself to have to elbow my way through the crowd, but instead the weirdest thing happens.

The people move to the side as I walk through the hallway.

I looks around giving everyone confused glances wondering why people are treating me like I am apart of the "it" crew.

When I reach to my locker, Issac is standing there with a bouquet of peonies in his hand. He searches the crowd and when his eyes land on mine, a smile comes to his face. I walk over to him and I give him a confused look.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have said that. It was insensitive and rude" he says and I can hear how genuine he is in his voice. I look up into his eyes that now look a little blue today and I don't see any signs of him lying. Just pure emotion. Honesty. But that's how Issac always is.

"No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have lashed out on you yesterday when I was frustrated It wasn't fair to you. You only tried to help and I pushed you away." I say and feel the guilt I am feeling grow so much that I feel a lump in my throat for making Issac feel that way.

"Yeah that kind of hurt" He says with a smile on his face. A small smile comes to my face when Issac hands me the bouquet of peonies.

"I can't believe you remembered that I liked peonies." I bring the vibrant colored flowers to my nose to smell its fragrant scent and I close my eyes to fully enjoy the scent of peonies.

"I figured it would come in handy one day."

"Thank you Issac." I say and I go on my tippy toes and bring my arms around his neck and embrace him in a hug.

Damn him for being tall and me being small.

We pull away and I open my locker to put the flowers in and I take out my books for class. Once I close my locker, I look over to see Asher walking in with Zoe. I can't suppress the grimace that forms on my face while looking at the manipulative man-whore and my oblivious, stupid sister.

Zoe quickly glances at me before going to the other side of the hallways to her locker and Asher comes over towards here. When he comes over here, I completely ignore his presence and close my eyes and focus my mind on the fact that Issac bought me peonies.

Asher hasn't spoken to me. He has only given me glances in my direction in which I glared at him. The bell rings and I walk away and to my next class.

"Bay!" a voice yells and I turn around to see Issac jogging over to me.


"Meet me after school outside. I can give you a ride home."

"O-Okay." I say and walk away.


I can't believe her. She didn't even show up to lunch. And neither did Asher. She just left me. I spent my lunch in the library where I could be alone instead. She just got in Asher's car a while ago and they drove off somewhere. She skipped so many classes.

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