Bonus Chapter *Asher's POV*

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HIII guys. I am so sorry for this chapter being a day late. I was so caught up with planning my next book(yes, I am still writing) that I totally forgot to publish this chapter. I have another bonus chapter written in another POV that was very much requested that I will publish as well.

I really hope you guys like this chapter. I was having some writers block so I hope this turned out well. If you see any errors, I'm sorry because I wrote this on my phone.


I know I'm a day late on that one. But you guys have made 2018 one of the best years of my life, probably the best so this is my gift to you to start off 2019.





I'm fucking 28 years old and I still get clammy hands and I'm sweating my clothes out over a girl.

Well she isn't just any girl. She is the love of my life. 

Just saying those words makes my stomach feel all knotted, but I can't ignore the warm feeling in my heart.

"Dude breathe" Issac says, trying to console me. 

"Don't tell me to breathe or fucking calm down! You're already married and are settled down with Bay. You're set. Me, I'm still struggling to put my damn boxers on in the morning. The fuck." I rant and pace back and forth on the carpet. 

I'm absolutely fucked. 

I look up to catch Armani filming me with his phone with a mischievous grin on his face. 

"I'm gonna fucking break your knee with a lacrosse stick if you don't shut that shit camera off." I yell and run my hands through my hair, pulling at the roots. I discarded my shirt off somewhere in this huge room, leaving me in my tank top and black tie because I didn't want to mess up my shirt that I spent so much time ironing.

"What the fuck was I thinking? She is gonna hate me. She already does. She already thinks that I'm not honest with her and that I am screwing my publicist." Why would she think I was screwing Francesca? Francesca is all skin and bones. She doesn't have a single curve on her body, she is annoying as hell, and to be completely honest, I don't find her attractive at all. Her natural flame red hair and small features just don't appeal to me. Not once has it. 

But Zoe just doesn't believe me. She doesn't believe that I love her and her only. But can I really blame her for having doubts in our relationship? No. For 10 years, we have been going back and forth with each other. First, my infidelity and lies ruined our high school relationship. Then, it was distance and lack of communication. Then, publicity, rumors of me being with other girls, and ambushes she has faced. And now, its the damn publicist and again, my lies. 

I'm a real fuck up and I hate that I am inflicting all this shit on her that she doesn't deserve. 

But I love her.

"Stop pacing around. You are giving me a damn headache. Sit the hell down, drink a glass of whiskey, and go propose to her. You spent thousands of dollars on that ring. Might as well give it to her." Issac says and downs a shot of whiskey. 

"You don't get it." I murmur and rub my hands over my face, feeling myself get frustrated as hell.

"Then explain because you have been keeping this in and sparing us little to no details for the past 10 years." Armani says and lays back in the reclining table. 

Zoe is controlling this event which is a charity event to raise money to get healthcare to kids in Africa. Bay is working on it with her because she is a pediatrician herself. They are already here, but the event hasn't started, so Bay put us all in this room. 

The Girl Who Never Smiles | ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz