Chapter 24

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"No way!" I say and bust out laughing while Asher on the other hand is scowling at everyone in the hallway. Asher has just woken up from his long nap. It is the....4th day we have been in Alaska. It is cold as heck, but the scenery is new. There are a lot of big white mountains here, but it looks like a normal place. It has buildings, people, businesses, and malls like every other state.

On Asher's face is written ' I'm an asshole' and next to it is a drawing of a...well a very uh small thing. Zoe has a smirk on her face as she tries to suppress her laughs.

"Who the hell did this!"Asher says and points to his forehead.

Victoria took out her phone and is snapping pictures of it and laughing.

"Was this you Victoria?" Asher booms.

"OH no. Sienna?"

"Yeah it was me." Sienna says with a smirk on her face. This was an act of revenge.

"Fucking bitch. You have always been a bitch. I didn't want you on this trip in the first place." He storms right back into his room and slides the door closed.

"See you calling me a bitch every minute got me angry, so I figured why not expose you?"

"You and me both know that this" he points to the drawing on his head. "Is not my size? There is a reason you keep coming back for more."

"Alright everyone. The concert is in 5 hours. So ladies, start getting ready now. The bathrooms are yours." Armani interrupts the two before someone(Asher) gets punched.

I quickly rush to my room and get my towel, hair products, and soap and go into the bathroom closest to my room, which is fortunately right next to us. I beat Victoria to the bathroom by like 2 seconds and a smile breaks out on my face when she growls from the other side of the door. I quickly hop in the shower and begins washing myself off. I thoroughly wash my hair and once I am done, I step out the shower. I wrap my towel around myself and ring out my hair so it doesn't drip everywhere. I grab all my stuff and walk into my room.

I shriek and i accidentally drop all my stuff on the floor. Issac Evans is in my room. He turns to look at me, but his eyes widen when he sees me in my towel. His intense grey eyes travel from my head to my toe lingering on my legs and I am praying for the butterflies in my stomach to die and stop fluttering. He quickly turns back around.

"Well you ruined my surprise." he says and I look around the room to see small silver and purple bags containing chocolate all around the room. Next to each bag of chocolate is a bright pink peony and a note on top of it.

"What is all of this?" I ask and turn around to close the door. While my back is turned, I adjust my towel to make it tighter, so it won't fall. I walk around the room looking at everything. I pick up the first note that says 1. I open it up to reveal Issac's surprisingly good handwriting.

In the hallway when TMZ approached you about me.

I walk over to the note that says 2 and open it up.

When I made the joke about your name the first time you told me your name at the lockers.

I walk around the room to see heartfelt notes about all the times, I have smiled since I met Issac Evans. There are 60 notes scattered around the room and so many bags of chocolate. I have put each peony into a little bouquet in my hands. Once I am done reading every single note, I have a full bouquet of flowers and tear filled eyes. I look at Issac to see a smile on his face, but when he looks at me crying, he rushes over to me.

"What's wrong?" he asks and embraces me into a hug.

"How long have you planned this?"

"A while now."

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