Chapter 38

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Hello all my lovely readers, I hope you are having an awesome day! You deserve it.

I just want to start off by thanking all the readers who have voted, commented, and shared my book. Your support means a lot. More than you could understand. As Barry Allen in The Flash says, "Whether you realize or not, there is no Flash without Iris West"(S3,E6). Without your support, there is no The Girl Who Never Smiles. To all the readers who have added my book to your reading lists, I am so grateful. I am still baffled that my book has made it to so many people's reading lists.

I am not completely sure how many chapters will be in this book. I just know what places I need to reach to in the book and for all I know, that could be chapter 100(major exaggeration). I am close to the half point in the book. Something is coming up in the book. Some real boiling hot tea, so prepare yourself. Power up on chocolate, skittles, sour patches, whatever. I can't wait to reach there! Anywho...

Thank you all. I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

The picture above is who I am casting for Mackenzie Taylor, which is Lily Collins.

My fight with Asher Stevens is buzzing around the school the next day. It was inevitable because drama spreads like wildfire at Eastside High. As I walk down the hallway, people are giving me looks, some of fear and others of amusement.

When I reach to my locker, I open it up and stuff in my bags and dig around for my stupid books for stupid math class.

"Bay!" A voice yells and I look to my right to see Zoe stomping over to me, anger radiating off of her. People around her move aside with fear and confusion written on their faces.

"Why would you do that to him!" she yells at me and shows me a video of me kicking Asher's ass yesterday at the party.

"Because I can and he hurt you Zoe."

"I can fight my own damn battles. You aren't my mother! Don't you trust that I could handle this on my own?"

"I do trust you, I just trust me more and to be completely honest, wallowing in your sadness was just getting me more and more angry at Asher."

"You are so full of it Bay!" She fumes and walks away.

I turn back toward my locker and take out my books and close it. Right when I close my locker, I see Asher standing at his locker, watching me. He has a few bruises on his face. Most are covered up with concealer, but the slightly purple bruise under his eye satisfies me.

I lift my arm and ready myself to punch him again in his face, but someone latches onto my elbow and stops me from connecting my fist with Asher's nose. I turn around to meet Brett Cruz who is holding my arm.

"I don't think punching a kid on school premises will win you an honorary award, firecracker."

I drop my arm and look back at Asher who is taking books out of his locker.

"I didn't need your help."

"I can beg to differ. My guess is you were aiming at his nose weren't you?"

"So what if I was? Why do you care?"

"Oh no I don't care about the fact that you were trying to punch an asshole. I care that it's at school and you would probably be suspended."

"So what if I was suspended?"

"I wouldn't be able to see that pretty face of yours." He says and sends me a wink.

My cheeks feel like the inside of a furnace as they turn beet red.

"Add adorable to the list of things about you."

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