Chapter 23

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"Zoe we are going there for ONE week not 5, take that shit out!" I yell at Zoe and kick the 3rd suitcase she has. 

Today is the day we go to Alaska. Issac is picking Zoe and I up that's in like 45 minutes. The car will take us to the airport. I think someone is driving the car for us. I am packed and ready. Zoe on the other hand can't close her 3rd suitcase.

"All you need is one suitcase and a tote or something. The hell is wrong with you!"

You see, this is why me and Zoe are very different. We may both love fashion and style, but she goes overboard. She can't go on a road trip for 1 week without packing clothes for months. She is crazy.

"It's my jackets and stuff."

"Stuff as in EVERYTHING. Listen, figure this out because Issac will be here in 40 minutes. Only bring one huge suitcase and bring your tote. Knowing Victoria and her friends, they will be taking up most of the space. 

"And change your clothes. We aren't in Alaska yet" I say and walk out the room. Zoe literally has on mid thigh boots, thick jeans, a sweater, and a jacket. Why would you need to wear Alaska clothes now? I am wearing a gray cami top with black jeans and my uggs. 

I walk back into my room and my big suitcase and my big tote bag is right next to my dresser. 

I roll my suitcase downstairs with my bag and once we reach the bottom, my mom is waiting for me downstairs. She hands me two credit cards I take them and put them in my pocket.

"Each card has 1,000 dollars. Don't burn it off carelessly. You know what to do?


"OK. I heard some horn honking outside. Your friends must be early." My mom says and walks away. "Have fun, be safe" she mutters.

"ZOE LETS GO" I yell. Leo walks over to me with an apple in his hand and his curly brown hair bouncing on his head.

"You gonna miss me Leo?" I ask.

"Hell no. I hope you get lost in Alaska. I hope the bears feed on you. I will finally have the chance to destroy your room." He smirks and takes a bite of his apple.

"I always knew you were the devil incarnate." I say and walk away. "Love you my curly headed freak."

Zoe comes down with thankfully one suitcase and her big tote bag. 

"You have your ID?"

"Yeah" she says and I hand her the credit card mom made for her.

"Put this in you wallet now and don't lose it. I don't want to share my money with you." I say and take out my credit card and put it in my wallet.

She puts her hand on her chest and looks at me. "Well then bitch." she says and puts the card in her wallet and tucks it in her tote.

"Lets go" I say and open the door and walk out the house with Zoe behind me. Issac and Armani walk out the car and to us. Armani takes Zoe's stuff and Issac takes mine.

"You have a sweater?" he asks


"You excited to go on our biggest adventure yet?"

"Not really." I say and walk away. 

"You know I can tell when you are lying."

"Really?" I ask and Issac places my suitcase in the huge trunk of the car. We walk inside the van and the first thing I notice is the scowls of Victoria and Sienna on me. Cartier is sitting with her boyfriend and they are in their own bubble. 

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