Chapter 27

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I wheel my suitcase out the room and to the front for Joe to take out and put in the car. Today, we are leaving Alaska and I can't be more glad. I cannot stay in a plane with Victoria and Sienna any longer. 

"Bay, everyone's suitcase is here except his. I tried talking to him, but he is, just i don't know. I thought you talked to him" Armani says.

"I did speak with him, it's just what's unspoken that is making us both like this. I will go and speak with him" I say and walk away from Armani and to Issac's door. I slowly open the door and step inside the room. The room is dark, but I can see Issac sitting by the closed window. I close the door behind me and walk over to him and sit at the chair across from him. He looks at me and then looks back at the closed window.

"What are you doing here Bay?"

"I came to see you. Everyone's suitcaes and stuff are out there and you are in here. Why?" I ask and open the closed window to get some light in here.

"Because once we leave, everything will be different. Between us."

"Issac. I didn't want to complicate things between us and mess up our friendship. Plus, there are several gaps in this."

"What gaps?"

"Victoria. Why did you guys break up?"

Issac takes a deep breath and says, "She changed. I had a crush on Victoria since middle school, but when we started dating in sophomore year, we were good. No drama, just us. I fell for her fiery attitude and confidence. She was perfect in my eyes. But being with Victoria is like chasing fire. You aren't getting anywhere. I admired her, i did, but when this pettiness,bitterness, and need to be popular and on top filled her, the relationship became toxic. She used me sometimes to boost herself up for popularity. You know dating the lacrosse captain. I couldn't deal with the toxic fire she surrounded herself in, so I got the courage to used my extinguisher and end it before she burned me like everyone else around her. She thinks she did nothing wrong and I broke up with her for no reason."

"Did you love her?" 

He takes a minute to answer, I am guessing thinking about it.

"I thought I did, but I think it was just a lie. I didn't love her. I was infatuated by her."


"I just don't get why we have to go back to being just friends. We obviously both have feelings for each other. I just feel like you are pulling me close and then pushing me back away."

"Issac don't you get I have never done this before. I won't mess up our friendship because I wanted to date you or something. I- I'm sorry."

"So do you want to just forget it and go back to being friends?" he asks in disbelief.

"I'm not saying that-"

"Well it sure sounds like it Bay and..I'm not sure I could do that."

"Issac, I need a friend right now more than I need a boyfriend and you are 1 of 2 of my best friends. The other one is my SISTER. I know it's selfish to ask, but can we just push it to the back of our minds and focus on our friendship right now?"

Issac sighs and I feel that unwanted felling of regret fill me. "Anything for you Bay" he says and then gets up and wheels his suitcase out the room leaving me sat at the window. I feel a sting of hurt when he says that. It brings up old, painful memories.

I really hope I didn't make a mistake.


"OK bye. Thanks Armani." Zoe says and waves at everyone and walks away and into the house. I stay planted to my spot as I stand right in front of Issac. 

"So you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, you?" 

"Yeah something like that."


"No, it's fine Bay. I understand. Friends, it is." he says with a sad smile on his face. I look up into his sad grey eyes and I want to reach out and just hug him, but I can't right now. 

"Talk later?"

"HURRY UP!!" Sienna yells from inside the car. I flip her the bird and then look back at Issac.

"Yeah we will." he says and walks into the car. I wheel my suitcase into the house and I close the door behind me.

I stop in my footsteps when I hear yelling coming from the living room. I walk to the living room to see Zoe yelling at my mom who is on the couch in barely any clothing with...Chris.

Hatred fills me as I stare at the toxic man in front of me.

"Why the hell is he here?" I seethe.

"Mom is fucking him, again! Where is Leo!"

"He is away at space camp. I totally forgot you guys were coming back today. I thought it was tomorrow."

"Of course you would forget when your daughters would be coming home."

"You guys got so much bigger. I haven't see you guys in years." Chris says and stands up for a hug, but I swiftly punch him in his stomach making an 'umph' leave his lips and he falls down back on the couch.

"Toxic bitch" Zoe murmurs next to me.

"Why is he here?"

"We were talking and then one thing led to another.. Guys he has changed."

I turn to Chris. "Get out my house or else I will have you arrested for drug possession." I say and point to the cocaine in a Ziploc in the pocket of his pants on the floor. Chris scrambles out the couch and puts on his pants and shirt and leaves the house. 

"Seriously Bay? You are so selfish!" My mom yells and stomps off. 

"Of course I am the selfish one." I mutter and walk off to my room.


"You were with her again aren't you!"

"Babe. She is my wife. But you know I love you" Chris pleads. "You can't make me choose."

"Because you would choose her."

"You understand me more than her, but she is my wife still and we have a child. I can't just up and leave her."

"Of course."

"Come on don't be selfish I am here now. Let's go to the room. I want to take a nap. Work was heavy today."

"Anything for you."

"Oh can you bring those packs of cookies in the cupboard. There is a box of em'"

"Oh those are Bay and Zoe's girl scouts cookies they have to sell tomorrow"

"I'm hungry babe. Just bring the cookies. They will be fine."

"Yeah sure. Of course." she says and takes the box down from the cupboard and walks in the direction where Chris went. She spots me on the staircase and she stares at me briefly and then goes off to Chris.

Flashback over

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