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I dropped Allie off at daycare- sitting in my car in the school parking lot, dialing the number to the hospital.

I listened to it ring before a male voice answered.

"Hi, I have two appointments scheduled for today that I need to cancel" I immediately breathed out.

"Okay, what are the names and if you know the doctor's name that would be helpful" he laughed lightly.

"Luke Hemmings scheduled it and our names are Allie and Christina" I spoke swiftly, hearing him humming into the phone.

"Okay- I have canceled both of you appointments but I do have to warn you, Luke has set a note on your chart information" he spoke simply.

"What's that exactly?" I asked, becoming slightly annoyed.

"Its just informing anyone who looks at your chart that you haven't had a check up in over five years, therefore like if your school nurse sees it, you'll be forced to get a check up."

I squeezed my eyes shut- breathing out

"How do I get it taken off?" I asked.

"Well- you can come in for a check up, I can reschedule you if you'd like" he spoke simply.

"I'll just-" I just myself off- groaning lightly

"I'll call back when I have my schedule worked out, thank you." I spoke quietly.

"No problem, be safe"

I went into the school, going to my locker and getting a binder out before going to my art class.

I immediately got my stuff out- continuing a painting I had started two days ago.

It was what we wished our future looked like

I painted my sister and I together- a house in the far background in just a valley of flowers- the sky blue and clear, a pound barely visible.

It was coming along well.

The day went dreadfully slow- and I was soon able to go pick my little sister up.

I got her, letting her tell me about her amazing day the whole ride home.

"I wish you could come to daycare with me" she spoke- almost cheerfully as I pulled into the driveway.

"I do too cutie" I breathed out.

I helped her out of the car.

"He's home" she spoke quietly- looking to my dads car

"Yeah" I spoke quietly.

"I want you to go straight to your room okay? Just shut the door and stay in there, I promise I'll be okay as long as you're in your room, okay?" I spoke, kissing her head gently.

She didn't understand nor know why- but she nodded happily anyway.

I opened the door, immediately mumbling a "go" before patting her back, watching her climb the stairs.

I walked around quietly- looking for my dad.

I found him in the kitchen.

"Hey" I spoke- seeing his eyes meet mine.

"What do you want?" He asked me immediately.

"Nothing, I'm sorry" I spoke- immediately turning and walking away.

I went into my room once upstairs.

I dropped my bag before seeing him pass my door, making me run out of my room

I blocked her door just as he got to it

"Move Christina-" "don't- please" I immediately begged.

"She left her fucking bowl in the sink this morning-" "no, it was mine- she ate yogurt this morning" I lied quickly.

Like a four year old was capable of washing a bowl anyway.

"I thought you had more fucking sense than that!" He yelled, pulling me closer to him by my shirt.

I squeezed my eyes shut- cowering away from him.

I felt a sharp sting across my cheek, knocking me straight onto the floor- where a kick to my ribs were delivered.

"Get your ass up and wash the fucking bowl."

I depended on my arms to keep me from completely collapsing as I gasped for air- crying out of pain.

I slowly- very slowly, moved to my feet before down the dreaded stairs.

I washed her bowl, drying it and putting it into the cabinet.

When I turned I hit his chest, making me flinch away from him.

"For such a fucking beautiful girl" he spoke, grabbing my neck and chin to make me look at him

"You're so fucking stupid." He spat.

And from that point- I received several more hits, until he let my body fall, where I immediately gasped, watching my own blood hit the floor.

"Clean the fucking blood up and take a shower- be in bed with your sister by ten" he spat out.

After gaining my composure, I wiped up my blood before dragging myself up the stairs.

I made Allie come into my room, where I locked the door.

I went into my bathroom- seeing pure hell.

Blood was running from right above my eyebrow, my lip was already swollen, my nose was bleeding and my chest felt like I had just ran seventeen miles straight.

I showered, getting into a bralette and shorts, cleaning my cuts.

I suddenly started coughing- and got the urge to almost throw up.

And when I coughed- spitting into the sink, I saw blood.

I felt my heart drop

"Fuck" I cried out, almost dropping to my knees.

I put Allie into the bathtub, and decided to call the hospital under the unknown caller number.

"Woodrow hospital, how may I help you?" The voice spoke.

"I have a question about something happening with my cousin, is there anyway I could get a doctors to talk to me?"

"Of course- hold one second"

I waited, and seconds later someone answered

"This is doctor Calum Hood, how may I help you?"

"Hi, so my cousin got into a fight at school today and he's currently coughing up blood, is this an emergency situation?" I asked, hearing a small hesitation.

"Coughing up blood is not a huge deal- it happens with simple colds sometimes, but I would say if he's still continuing to cough some up tomorrow at this time or if the amount of blood he coughs up increases, definitely bring him in." He spoke simply.

"Okay, thank you so much" I breathed out, feeling relieved

"Just keep an eye on him, this could go down hill quickly"

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