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The day came along, we all stood at the court house, Calum holding Allie as he signed multiple papers- the family who wanted to adopt her stood in the background on the verge of tears.

We won.

We fucking won.

"I now declared you, Calum Hood the full adoptive father of Allie May Hood." she spoke, making myself and the three guys beside me break out into loud cheers and claps.

She wasn't going anywhere

Calum came to us- we all made a tight group hug, I felt tears as I held my boys and little sister close to me.

Nothing could change this feeling- I was so fucking happy.

Later in the day we went and ate as a family- celebrating the good news.

third person.

He had been watching her for exactly six months now

Something no one suspected

He was going to make her his

He wanted her- he desired her

Most of the time this wasn't a forced situation, it was a consensual and kink- determined situation, but he didn't care anymore

He needed his distraction- and it was her


After dinner we went home, we all resumed normal activities.

I helped Allie with homework while talking to her about how happy she was to be a Hood.

"I love Calum" she spoke, making me look to her quickly, smiling widely

She hadn't told anyone she loved them but me.

"I think Calum would really like it if you told him that."

"I will before bed" she smiled widely, making me wink to her.

After letting her bathe and getting my own shower I ran with her to her room, throwing her into the bed, lifting the railing that prevented her from falling off.

Calum came in as I did this.

"That's my two baby girls" he smiled, kissing my head gently before doing the same to Allie.

"Sleep good, okay Al?" I smiled, covering her up.

"Night sissy" she spoke as I turned her nightlight one

"Night cutie pie" I finished, pulling her door before turning to Calum.

"Want me to tuck you in?"

I laughed lightly- but gave in with a small nod.

He laughed, following to my room where he did as said- tucking me in, stopping with a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm adopting you next week- no argument" he spoke, but he didn't realize- I wasn't going to argue

I wanted to be a Hood so fucking badly.

"Thank you" I couldn't say anything else as he help my hand, giving it a small squeeze.

"Get some sleep- we'll talk about it more in the morning"

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