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I stood over- watching, feeling her little soul hanging on a fighting

Although she was drugged to hell and back, she still felt the pain- she still wanted to wake up, but everything kept her asleep.

The doctors had all the bleeding stopped, all the bones set, icing her ribs and other areas which were brushing.

Dr.Mancil- the night shift doctor read over her blood tests they took as soon as she came in- seeing her blood levels fucked up.

This caused him to sit down- reading every detail, which revealed the Rohypnol.
"Get her to a room- out every monitor on her and page me if anything changes, I'm going to talk to Calum."

I stood between my beautiful Christina and the doctor- debating on who I would follow.

I followed the doctor- knowing I would easily find my way back to Christina.

I watched as he crouched in front of Calum- who I was very fond of.

"She didn't sneak out." Mancil spoke to Calum, making confusion fly across his face.

"Calum she was drugged- someone took her from your house-" "that's impossible- we lock the doors and we have a security system on all the doors." He spat out.

The windows Calum, the windows.

"I recommend going back and watching your security cameras and seeing exactly what happened-" "can I just-" I felt his emotions hitting, his voice cracking.

"Please let me see her."

I followed the two men into a bigger room- where Christina looked more cozy.

I stood by her head, putting my hand onto her gently- trying to give her some of my own energy.

"She's very stable- which is good- but you know all this" Mancil mumbled out, rocking on his heels lightly.

Calum held her hand tightly, and I felt her slipping more and more away from me, which was sad- but good for her.

I did my job, I would see her eventually

I would be over her shoulder everyday anyway- helping impact her thoughts, knowing the result of each decision

I was her guardian angel- just not always a good one


I woke up feeling odd- not how I normally feel in the mornings

My head was pounding, I was dizzy with my eyes closed and my body felt almost sore.

I knew I needed Cal.

I opened my eyes- expecting to see my bedroom door- but I saw a familiar hospital setting.

"What the fuck" I barely spoke out, feeling my body go into a panic, Calum quickly coming into my view.

"You're okay baby." He assured me slowly, his puffy and red eyes telling me he had been crying.

"What's wrong?" I spoke- my voice hoarse and thick.

"A lot happened, princess" Ashton spoke from beside me, Michael holding my other hand gently.

Over the next hour they slowly explained that a random man had snuck into the house through a window where he drugged me, carrying me back through the window and into his car.

Once down the street, he was texting and was t-boned at a four way stop, almost instantly killing him, but I was ejected from the vehicle, into the middle of a random street.

"Do you remember any of this?" Calum asked me, kissing my knuckles gently.

I didn't even remember laying down in bed.

"I only remember tucking in Allie" I felt my voice crack as I spoke.

"You don't remember me tucking you in?" He asked slowly, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"No" I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Why are you crying, baby?" Ashton asked, Michael wiping my tears away.

"I'm- I don't know- it's scary" I brought my hands to my face, letting tears fall endlessly.

Calum got into bed with me, holding me to him.

"I know you're scared- we were too." He whispered, kissing my head

"But you're honestly so fucking lucky, Chris" he spoke.

"You could've died- you could be paralyzed, but you have broken ribs, a fractured pelvis, some major road rash and whiplash."

"It sounds extreme- but considering the volume of the wreck, you're fucking lucky" michael nodded in agreement.

"I want Allie" I whined into Calum's shoulders.

"It's still very early baby, I think I'd be best if you got some more sleep and gave Luke some time to talk to her about what happened."

I wanted her so fuckinf badly.

Which made me cry even more.

I sobbed purely into Calum, letting him hold me, assuring me that I was okay and had nothing to worry about.

"He's was just a creep- he didn't want to do anything but hurt you" Calum's voice cracked into my head.

"But no one- no one, will get that opportunity again, he shouldn't have even had it the first time."

I suddenly felt light- I felt a burst of energy, almost making me want to get up and take a walk, it was crazy- I went from sobbing to just wanting people with me, wanting attention and wanting to entertain myself


I couldn't sit there and watch her cry from fear

So I enlightened her, I took her pains tucking it into my pocket- I'll save those for a rainy day

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