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We knocked on their bedroom door- seeing Christina braiding Allie's hair- sending me a small smile as we made eye contact.

"Can we talk about last night?" Michael questioned as she finished Allie's braid, putting a band around the end of it.

"Why don't you go play with Cal and Ash?" Christina spoke quietly to Allie who smiled widely, giving a nod and running past us, towards the stairs.

Christina stayed seated on the floor, turning to face us.

"Last night- it was just a big and confusing misunderstanding" michael was the first to speak.

"We haven't ever discussed who we want to tell about the adoption- what details we're going to give, and that didn't hit me until they were already here and I had to introduce you guys" he spoke calmly.

"So I panicked- and with the mindset of not wanting to hurt you by telling strangers that you were abused, I lied and ended up hurting you, and I'm so sorry- but it's all my fault, Luke had nothing to do with any of it" he took full ownership.

"None of us ever want to hurt you or make you feel like you aren't apart of our family- I know for a fact that, that wasn't Michael's intentions." I spoke, seeing her nod.

"So do I have to be an exchange student every time they come over?" She asked.

"No" Michael and I spat out in unison.

"As soon as I'm alone with her again- I'll tell her" Michael spoke, myself agreeing.

"Are you okay?" I spoke as she went silent, looking to her hands.

She gave a firm nod.

"I think we all need to discuss everything- develop a plan of what to tell people" she spoke quietly.

"I think that's a great idea"

That's was caused us to all be sitting at the kitchen table, Calum holding Allie on his lap.

"So, would you be okay with people knowing you were abused?"

"Yes" Christina nodded, making us all nod.

"What details don't you want-" "our legal last name" she spoke.

"And that's it?" Calum questioned, looking to her intently.

"I think so" she nodded.

"Now can we address something I've been wondering?" Calum asked, making us all nod in unison.

"I'm currently only holding custody of you, and I'm not pressuring or anything- but I want you to think over me adopting you" he spoke slowly- catching us all off guard.

"Adopting?" Christina shot towards him.

"Yes, like making your last name Hood" he spoke back.

"I have to foster you for three months before I can adopt- we've had you for a little over a month, so you have time- I just don't want anyone to be able to take you guys from me, and adoption is the only thing that can assure that." He spoke.

Christina looked absolutely shocked.

"Calum, that's a huge deal- and it's expensive-" "but it's worth it, because I get my girls"

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