01 | While Away the Hours (I)

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Welcome to Miles Away!

Now I've never posted this far ahead of a series before, or spoiled a couple from a story that's not been (re)written yet. But because this couple is so essential to the story, here's the massive spoiler—Carson x Brielle (from Bringing Back Brielle) sails. They're absolute endgame, and we'll start this story on the day of their wedding.

Let's begin.

x Noelle


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(part one)


Amidst the bustle of noise, it suddenly registered to me that my brother was talking. I blinked and dragged my gaze away from the arrival board. "Huh, what?"

He looked annoyed, which meant he'd probably been talking for awhile. Then again, I'd spent about a quarter of my life trying to tune him out, so he should've been used to it by now. Huffing out a breath, he folded his arms across his chest and looked down his nose at me. He had a head and a half's height advantage over me, and believe me, he enjoyed it. "I said—are we at the right gate yet? And do you know how many miles there are from here to Hong Kong?"

"No, do you?"

"No! That's why I asked you!"

"Well, I don't," I said, with a shrug. "So why don't you Google something informative on your phone for a change, instead of using it to look at pictures of women in bikinis?"

His mouth fell open in indignation. "I don't look at pictures of women in bikinis!"


"Yeah." His tone was so mild that I almost missed the wicked gleam in his eye. "The women in those pictures I look at aren't wearing anything."

"Ean!" I snapped as he doubled up with laughter. "I will call airport security on you if I ever hear something like that again. Now tell me the distance from here to Hong Kong!"

"Yes, mom."

He reached for his phone and I turned towards the arrival hall. It was crowded as most airports were, a blend of loud chatter and Christmas carols. I stood on tiptoe to get a better view.

No, not her. Not her either. And definitely not that dog in the carrier. I nudged Ean. "Did you find out yet?"


"The distance, Ean. Weren't you checking?"

He stared at me blankly for a moment, then he blinked. "Oh, right. Actually, I've found something more important. I was about to search for the answer when I came across this funny video about a guy snorting noodles up his nose. Look—" Ean shoved his phone in my face. "—isn't that hilarious?"

I pushed his phone away in disgust, but not before I caught a glimpse of a red-faced man with yellow strands halfway up his nostrils. "I don't want to see that, you awful boy! Can't you make yourself useful and at least try to look for Brielle's mom? The wedding's in five hours and I'll be damned if we're late just because some fool doesn't know how to eat his noodles properly!"

"He knows how to eat his noodles properly, he was just—"


"Alright, don't get your granny panties into a twist." He draped an arm on my shoulder and scanned the crowd. "How does Brielle's mom look like again?"

"Hm, let's see," I started slowly. "White blond, almost as tall as you are, model-thin. She likes wearing big fur coats and has a posh accent."

"So...we're looking for Cruella de Vil?"

"What a horrible thing to say!" But I did see the validity of Ean's statement. I folded my arms across my chest. "Just keep looking."

It wasn't long before Brielle's mom arrived. Within minutes, Ean began to hum the familiar tune from the movie. "All she's missing is a spotted dog and a cigarette holder," he added, pointing to a specific person exiting the gateway.

I rolled my eyes and moved through the crowd, with Ean hot on my heels. It was impossible to miss the world-famous fashion designer. Decked out in sunglasses, a black fur coat and red heels, Annalise Swinton moved with the kind of grace that transformed the airport floor into a runway.

I stepped forward to shake her hand. "Hello, Ms Swinton, it's nice to meet you again!" I shot a dark look at Ean, who was still humming away, and jabbed him in the ribs. "This is my brother, Ean."

Ean subsided with a muffled "omph!", and shot me an equally dark look. Then he plastered a blinding smile to his face and, with a ridiculous flourish, made to bow over her hand like a gentleman caller from the previous century. "'Tis truly a pleasure, madam—"

I yanked him up by the collar of his jacket. "Ignore him," I quickly said to Ms Swinton. "He has no manners, through no fault of my parents. How was your flight?"

"Disappointing." Her blood red lips curled in mild distaste. "Too much turbulence for a supposedly first-rate flight. And the food was just awful. I'll be having words with the management about this."

"I'm sure you will," Ean muttered beneath his breath.

I jabbed him in the side again. Thankfully, Ms Swinton didn't seem to notice and I shot her a bright smile. "We should get going. Brielle's really looking forward to seeing you again."

"And yet she couldn't spare an hour to come to the airport. What could be more important than fetching her mother?"

"Leaving her mother?" Ean whispered in my ear, then yelped when I ground the heel of my boot onto his foot.

"I'm sorry, Ms Swinton, but she really does have a lot on her plate today. It's her biggest day, after all," I said chirpily. "You'll get to see her once we get to the resort, I'm sure. Just leave your bags here, my brother will take them for you. In fact, you can just drop them right on his feet."

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