24 | twenty-four

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So what's the deal with Prometheus? Nothing, really, it's just another one of Noelle's Easter eggs that she likes to slip into her novels to drive her readers crazy. Unless the fact that the frat Prometheus (from Miles Away) is about to be shut down somehow foreshadows the pack Prometheus (from Killer Instinct) being shut down too, in which case...

Happy reading!

x Noelle




2 4

the one with the Evers


"THIS TIRAMISU IS amazing, Miles, thank you."

I smiled at Mom's words and shot a sideway glance at Miles. He seemed pleased as well, and mumbled a quick "you're welcome" before looking back down at his dessert.

It took this dinner for me to discover that the older Miles wasn't that much different from how he'd been. He let Ean kick his ass at video games, helped Mom lay the plates, and bought Dad's favorite tiramisu. I'd sat beside him for dinner, and he handed every dish down to me before serving himself and refilled my glass whenever it was low.

It was things like these that had me falling in love with him to begin with. Miles Callaghan was not grand gestures or whirlwind romance. He'd never read love poetry or bought lavish bouquets or given me expensive jewelry. But he didn't need to. He was kind and sincere, attentive in every thing, and brilliant without ever acknowledging it.

Six years down the road, he was still all of those things and more.

"So, Miles, tell us about Hale & Co.," Dad's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "When did you start it?"

I noticed Miles shoot me a glance before he spoke. "About three years ago. My friend Nate and I had discussed the venture in April, but it wasn't until November that we registered the company."

Three years ago. That was the year everything fell apart. I'd broken up with him in July—I remembered it because it was the hottest month. And without him, it felt like a drought. But I never knew that in the three months after we'd broken up, he'd gone and built the empire he had today.

He'd done exactly what I'd hoped.

So why does it still feel like it's the biggest mistake I've ever made?

My chest tightened at that thought and I looked back down at my dessert. Then I blinked. My tiramisu was gone. I reached over and punched Ean on the shoulder. "You glutton!"

He flashed me a smug grin and finished the rest of it. I frowned, only to stop when I felt a nudge. I turned back to Miles in surprise. He was still deep in conversation with my dad, but he'd pushed his own tiramisu towards me. When Dad looked away for a moment, Miles nudged his plate closer to me again and mouthed, "Share."

I smiled and took a small bite, before turning back to the conversation. It had taken a turn for a hotly-debated topic within my family: Ean, and his love for video games. Miles had brought up an internship opportunity at a video-game company in France, and Ean looked like he was about to worship the very ground Miles walked on.

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