21 | twenty-one

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Lengthy chapter to apologise for the delayed update, I hope it's worth it. So glad most of you guys picked Miles over Callum, to be honest. I'm usually apathetic towards my characters, but Miles is one of the very few I actually kind of like. Good taste, y'all.

x Noelle


2 1

the one where Miles gets even hotter (like that's possible)

I COULDN'T TAKE my eyes off him. Miles was dressed far less formally than them in a heavy black jacket, but he still exuded a sense of authority and quiet confidence as he spoke to them.

A sudden thought dawned on me and I turned to Brielle. "You planned this, didn't you?"

"Don't be so melodramatic. I just overheard a conversation from one of the diners, who happened to be one of the board at Riverton University, that they were looking to hold their Winter Carnival at the beach. All I had to do was find out the date and time they'd be scouting and ensure that Miles Callaghan would be present. You ran all the way to him on your own."

I scowled. "I knew something was up when you agreed to join me this early!"

"You should thank me for it! I've heard grumblings down at logistics about how their manager looked so troubled at work lately. Any more of that and I would have to threaten to fire you."

I opened my mouth to argue, but a movement in my peripheral stopped me. As if sensing someone's gaze on him, Miles looked up from his discussion. Noticing his distraction, the other board members turned our way as well.

Damn it. I fought the urge to squirm. What a lovely sight I must've looked-all flushed cheeks, crazy curls and sweat dripping down my face.

As if coming to a decision, he squared his shoulders and excused himself. Brielle nudged me with a bony elbow. "This is your chance to put all those years of jogging into practice. Run to him!"

I shot her a dirty look and started forward to meet him halfway. As Miles drew near, Brielle offered him a gracious smile. "Mr Callaghan," she said, "it's nice to finally meet you."

Miles's eyes flitted to me for a second, before he looked at her and took her hand in a firm shake. "Ms Winters...or should it be Mrs Flores now? Congratulations on your marriage."

"Thank you. And congratulations on acquiring Blue Haven. I hope to see great things from Hale & Co, I'm sure you all won't disappoint."

He seemed to notice the challenge in her voice, because his eyebrows rose. "We won't."

"I'm sure you won't." Her gaze swept from him to me, before a tiny smirk lifted her lips. "This has been a pleasant meeting, Mr Callaghan, and I've no doubt we'll see each other again soon. But the board looks a little restless. I'm sure they won't mind being approached by a potential sponsor for their carnival, don't you think?"

Before Miles or I could respond, she swept off with her bike. As she led the board of directors farther down the beach, I turned back to him. "That's Brielle. She thinks she's subtle but she's really not."

"Of course not."

I worried my bottom lip as I studied him. His nose and cheeks had pinked from the cold and I fought the urge to brush away the dark hair that tumbled into his eyes. The expression on his face was closed-off, and I didn't know how to progress from here. Did we pretend the kiss didn't happen and just...reset?

2.8 | Miles AwayWhere stories live. Discover now