13 | thirteen

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Right, so, gonna apologise for a (possible) upcoming delay in updates. I've had a busy month, what with post house renovations and going overseas and all. There are easily seven Miles Away chapters in stock somewhere in my notebooks, but none of them are typed out. And I can only foresee myself getting busier as Nanowrimo draws near (and noevember!). So if I drag out updates, I really apologise for that. Please know that I don't mean it, and I will try my best to get back to a regular schedule when I can.

That being said, here's the biggest difference between Miles x Darcy and Kaden x Isla. A misunderstanding that takes Kaden and Isla twenty-five chapters to solve takes Miles and Darcy one. That is all.

x Noelle


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(the one where they make up (...out?))

"DON'T SULK, DARCE, you did the right thing."

Flo patted my head like I was a Chihuahua. Having had a day off from work, she'd taken Coco out for a coffee-run, then dropped by Sereinn to ogle our newest intern. Whereupon I'd found her, poured my heart out about Miles, and downed the rest of her coffee.

"If this is the right thing, how can it feel so wrong?" I moaned and thumped my head onto the table. The truth was that I never would've backed out of the deal if Miles hadn't reneged on his end. At that moment, I felt stuck at a crossroads—Miles Callaghan or Caverly.

This time, I'd picked the latter.

"Funny you should say that," Flo said, sounding a little distracted, "because I've been thinking the same thing about riding that boy on this very table."

I snapped my head up so quickly that my joints cracked. Wincing, I rubbed the back of my neck and glared at her. "That boy is seventeen and it would be considered a felon to ride him anywhere. And could you control your libido for underaged boys for just one second?"

"Could you control your libido for Miles for just one second?" she tossed back, unfazed by my words. "So you had a falling out with him—the world does not end. Just show up to his office, sit on his lap and show him how sorry you are!"

I rolled my eyes. At times like these, I wished desperately for advice from Brielle. At least hers did not always involve sex as the solution to everything.

A shuffle of footsteps made us look up. Heather headed to the pantry for a coffee refill, but her eyes gleamed with interest, no doubt having caught the tail-end of our conversation. "If you asked my opinion—"

Flo snorted. "No one did, honey."

"—I say you did the right thing," she finished, ignoring Flo completely. "You should've sided with Caverly and, more importantly, Sereinn from the very beginning. Maybe we wouldn't be in so much trouble if you had."

"Or, maybe Sereinn's only in half as much trouble because of Darce," interjected Flo. "Take Darcy out of the picture and what do you have? A vengeful Miles Callaghan hell-bent on destroying this town without anyone to stop him. I'd like to see you sit on his lap and try to convince him otherwise," she added to Heather.

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