05 | So Far Away (II)

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So your girl's just finished a brand new novella in two weeks! If you follow me on instagram, you'll know that it's called If The Shoe Fits, which is the spin-off to Slow Dancing, and the 4th book of Universe #1! Updates for Miles Away will not cease, but if they're delayed to once instead of twice a week, now you know why.

Speaking of Universe #1, where're my Slow Dancing readers at? If you're one, well, you might be familiar with where Miles Away is going...

And now for Miles.

x Noelle


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S O   F A R   A W A Y

(part two)

IT HAD ONLY been two weeks since Brielle left me in charge of Sereinn, but it felt much longer than that. With the year coming to a close, there were many things to do. Year-end bonuses needed to be given out, new staff would be coming in and there were still the bids to settle. By the end of the second week, I was certain of one thing—I could help Brielle manage Sereinn for awhile, but a long-term desk-bound job would never be for me.

The following afternoon found me in the main office with the other employees. Fridays at Sereinn were my favorite because it was dress-down day. Even the prim and proper staff from HQ wore shirts and jeans to work.

And brought doughnuts.

I didn't really enjoy the company as much as I did the food, so I'd perched on the edge of Jessa's desk, far away from the thick of gossip. With a cinnamon-glazed doughnut in one hand and a document in the other, I tried my best to read but their conversation grew louder by the second.

"—and then I told him that I was more interested in his date than him!"

"No way!" I didn't have to look to know that Heather's eyes were opened wide. "Were you?"

"Of course. We're talking about Alexia Grant here. I mean, apart from our boss, she's easily the hottest woman in this whole damn town."

I snorted in amusement, mentally filing this titbit to laugh about with Brielle later, and returned to the document at hand. I was going to finish this stupid proposal if it killed me. Nibbling on the doughnut, I blocked out the laughter and focused on reading. I'd made it through two-thirds of the file when someone nudged me.

I didn't look up. "...hm, what?"

A sharper jab to my ribs had me almost falling right off the table.

"Ow, what was that—" I finally glanced up with a glare.

But a wide-eyed Jessa simply hissed and jerked her head towards the administration desk. It was then that I noticed a hush had fallen on the room. I followed the direction of Jessa's gaze, and felt my chest tighten when I saw the familiar figure striding in.

"Oh, shit."

Miles looked the same as he did the other day. Grim-faced and determined, clad in a dark gray coat that hung to his knees. His eyes narrowed when he spotted me seated on Jessa's desk, but he made no move to enter the main office. Instead, he stood in front of the admin counter and met my stare with a levelled gaze.

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