Chapter 4

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Is my entire family insane or is it just dragons that do stupid things?

My little sister Mari was about to go head to head with a Daybreaker? Are you kidding me? This is nuts. My sister is nuts.

I'm so gonna beat her after this.

Mari stood on one foot, bending her leg so her other foot was against the knee of the leg she was standing on. Her free hand held her palm out towards Xena, and her sword arm was poised over her head ready to strike. This was her favorite stance.

Xena just stood there, purple magic sparking at her fingertips. She didn't look like she planned on attacking first, but Mari liked to attack first anyway. Her talent was speed. Just like Camelia's. But Mari was flexible too. She loved to get up close, because then it was hard to fight back against her.

She moved so fast when she lunged forward she was a complete blur if not invisible. Xena sidestepped as Mari's sword went right by her head. Xena went to slam her sparkling palm into Mari's stomach but Mari had already spun around her. Xena dropped to the ground, doing the splits as Mari went to swing her arm at her.

Xena brought her legs back together and used her arms to launch herself back into their. Mari leaned back just as Xena's feet shot past her face nearly taking her nose off. She spun around as Xena landed behind her and swung her sword.

Xena caught the blade in her hand. Or so I thought. Her arm from the elbow up was now a dark purple blade.

"She has a Shade too!?" Nokiya yelped.

"Mari you got this!" I shouted.

Mari smirked and I knew she had complete confidence in herself. She knew this vampire had surprises for her, but she was completely ready for them.

Xena was just as maneuverable as Mari was which made this already look like an even fight. Mari's mouth moved but no sound came out. At least one that I couldn't hear.

A red shine glided down her blade and I knew she was talking to her Sword.

Apollo was her Sword's name. And the invisible bow on her back was Artemis. They were siblings themselves in case you couldn't tell by the name. They were the reason humans named the Greek Gods, and the reason was simple.

They were powerful.

She lunged forward but she was leaned forward. She jumped up so she was standing straight up when she swung upward. I swear I saw Xena's ear twitch. She leaped back and smirked a bit.

"You put more weight on your left side to compensate the weight of your Sword which is a bit heavy for you. You sound lighter than you actually suggesting you're hiding another weapon somewhere else on your body. The fact you keep striking first tells me you like to be up close rather than sword fight as normal people do when they wield a large blade like the one you're using." Xena told her.

I yelped and my grip on Camelia tightened. She was watching the fight too and her hand slipped into mine.

How can she know that much just by hearing her swing a few times? I called to both my sister and Camelia.

Vampires have better senses than even us by a hundred. Not only that, but without her vision its doubled to make up for her loss of sight. But her ability to know practically everything about her opponent is.. amazing. Nokiya said.

She's using energy in her senses. It's her Pureblood's Unique ability. Camelia explained. Like how Alice can control souls, Xena can look into her enemies form, thoughts, tactics and skills in an instant. She knew that before the battle began, but she confirms it in the battle.

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