Chapter 27

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"So how much money is on that card?" I asked after a few hours of silence. Camelia was still having a field day looking at all the buildings.

"There is no limit." She answered.

"How is that possible?"

"Its a card for monsters to use in the human world. It won't buy things for monsters, but it's made to keep the monster alive. It won't buy TVs and stuff like that, it only works with groceries and gas stations. So a monster can't buy his way to presidency."

"I see." I looked out the window, feeling Emma asleep, and Alexis the same as Camelia. Watching through my eyes and enjoying all the sights.

Why didn't you ever take me here? Alexis asked.

Because it's not the place for demons to be. If you really want to know, ask Akiya. I answered.

I'll pass. She seems different than she used to be now. It's kind of scary.

I looked back at Akiya, finding her eyes glued to the road as she drove.

"Why don't we just fly there?" Camelia asked.

"Humans have radar dishes set up to track anything in the sky above a certain height, so they'll shoot us down knowing we're not a plane. And if we fly too low, humans will see us and shoot us down. It's not worth the risk." Akiya explained.

"But Dragons can't be killed in the human world right?" I asked.

"But you can." She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, then went back to the road.

"Then thank you." I told her. "But please, try to relax, we're the only ones here, and no one knows about you anymore. It's been a thousand years."

"The human world time moves separately from Exodious. It's probably been around a hundred years or something."

"Then why does it look the same?" I asked.

"Maybe 20." She corrected.

"Time here moves slower?" Camelia asked. "Great."

"Not really slower. The human world has the same 24 hour day that we do."

"Then how does time move slower?" I asked.

"It's hard to explain, because I've never really been told how. It's just something you have to accept."

"Well how'd you know this if you only came here once?"

"Because the monsters would come in to this world, attack me, and tell me that Olexious has been looking for me for several years, and not that many past in the human world."

"Is there a way we can get there faster?" Camelia asked.

"We'll get there when we get there." Akiya answered.

"No. I mean like can this contraption go faster? Or is there another way? I don't know if you've noticed, but we are kinda in a rush." Camelia said.

"Where does the portal in Boston lead?" I asked, as I mentally shook Emma awake.

It leads to Amber. Emma explained.

"When we go through this portal, we'll pop out next to Amber, who will hopefully be with Rose... But Rose will want to attack the mines right away."

"How do you know?" Camelia asked.

" I'm not sure... I just know. We need to get to that portal before they get to the mine. It'll take some time for them to travel there, and they'll want to avoid flying so Exodious's scouts don't spot them."

"We should just fly anyway." Camelia growled. "Who cares if the stupid humans try and shoot us down? We'll just fly faster than them."

"Human planes can go faster than the speed of sound. We can't out run them." Akiya explained.

Camelia went silent, and I returned my gaze out the window. Akiya eventually pulled the car over on the side of the highway, saying she was tired and didn't feel like crashing.

Camelia had already passed out in the back seat, And Akiya crossed her arms and looked down, like she was trying to think.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"It feels wrong to not have Nokiya's thoughts in my own." She explained. "I need them."

"We'll get them back." I told her. "For now, rest. Try and relax while you're at it. We'll get back home."

Akiya smiled softly at me before she leaned her cheek against the window while she looked up at the moon.

"So Werewolves loose control on a certain day in this world right?" I asked, following her gaze to the almost full moon.

"Yeah. The Full moon." She explained. "But with your shades I doubt it'll actually take control, you might just feel weird."

"Yeah, I don't feel like eating you." I smiled.

"You couldn't if you want to. Dragon's are invulnerable in the human world. You can't even bite us." Akiya said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I've heard stories of humans killing dragons a long time ago. Maybe we only can't be killed as long as we're in human form? Kira beat the shit out of some dragon named Sapphire, though I was told she didn't really kill the dragon, just beat her up really good. Which makes some sense."

"If you can't be hurt how could Kira hurt her?" I asked.

"You know how dragon scales are pretty much unbreakable, even in Exodious?" She asked.

"Yeah, only Swords of Power can break through it." I offered.

"Well, it's essentially a suit of armor. Its what makes dragons so heavy and slow. Think of it like the shell of the car, but much stronger. It protects from bullets, and swords, and magic, but it's still armor. If I crashed this car going at a 50 miles per hour, we'd be launched forwards and break through the windshield if not for seat belts and the air bag." She explained. "It's the same with dragon scales. If Kira punches me in the face, with all her vampire strength while I'm in my dragon form, the soft inside of my body pounds against the inside of my unbreakable scales, and that causes blunt force trauma and I can die. Here, it just hurts, over and over and over again. No one wants to go through that, so we'd surrender to her."

"And in your human form?" I asked.

"In the human world, my skin is unbreakable, although not hard like a rock. It's more like kevlar or something where it is flexible, but it doesn't want to break. But because it's softer, we don't rattle around inside it." She explained.

We stayed silent for a while.

"Will you be okay?" I asked.

"I'll be fine." She answered.

"No. I mean... Mentally. Will you be okay?" I asked again.

This time she frowned slightly. "I should be." She answered.

"If you need anything, I'll do whatever I can for you."

She smiled up at me. "Thanks." She smiled.

I don't know what it was with her smile, but something stirred inside my core, that was completely new to me. A desire for what? I couldn't tell.

Not Akiya though right? I wasn't craving her was I?

It must have something to do with the human moon.

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