Chapter 7

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"You bitch! You're a liar!" I snarled.

She laughed again. "I am a Fragment modeled after a human. I was the fifth one to fall from the bark of Venus."

"I do not believe you!" I barked.

With a wave of her hand my beast form forced its way outside and I fell to my knees, slamming my claws into the ground. The forced transformation was both unexpected and painful. Not even Rose could do that.

Or at least she never tried.

"Do you believe me now Myra?" She asked as she walked over and raised my chin with one hand and gripped one of my horns with the other. "If I was here to kill you, you'd be dead by now."

I regained control of my beast and pulled it back inside. She held onto my chin but her other hand fell to her side. "What do you want then Elysium?" I asked.

"Call me Avali. That's my name." She let go of my chin and I pulled myself to my feet, testing my joints for damage from that forced transformation.

"What do you want then, Avali? And how are you able to manifest yourself as a mortal? I thought the Gods couldn't interfere with the world."

Avali smiled almost playfully. "You're right. We- I can't." She said. "But with The Flower's death, a hole needed to be filled. And while I cannot replace her, I can add a body that can easily fight Exodious."

"Doesn't that make me useless?" I asked.

"On the contrary." She put her right hand on my collarbone causing me to flinch back. "While Avali is Elysium, you must be The Flower. And just as a flower cannot spread without it's bee, Elysium cannot fight without it's champion."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"The Flower must live. You or I cannot face Exodious and hope to win. Only The Flower was ever fated to kill Exodious."

"Don't you write fate?"

"Fate is written for us in the control of its wielder. Although anyone can essentially change its chapters, the final page will always be the same. Just as we are all fated to die, we know not when, or how. Elysium will fall. Whether tomorrow, or at the end of eternity. There are only two beings untouched by fate. One of them is you."

"This just turned into a cliché fairy tale."

She laughed again. "Believe what you want, but no matter how much I look, your death does not exist."

"Are you saying fate is death?"

"All things are fated to die. How you get there is up to everything else."

"So I'm not going to die?" I asked.

"You may die. You just won't stay dead. Same with the other fate-less one."

"Rose." My eyes widened. "She said she would come back.

"She is back." She laughed whole heartedly and pulled back her right hand showing off the rose on her palm. I looked down at my collarbone finding the same rose resting just above my cleavage.

"That is an insult to Rose! How dare you have her-" My eyes widened. "Rose?"

"The Flower resides here." She pressed her pointer finger of her right hand back on the rose on my chest. "Just because you cannot see her, doesn't mean she isn't there."

"Then why do you bare her symbol?" I asked.

"Rose was born from Elysium. The tree Venus, is our anchor to the worlds. Luna and Amber bare the same mark, theirs are just not on their hands."

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