Chapter 19

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"I don't want to see a mage!" I whined as Nokiya dragged me through the castle and towards the library.

"Relax lokaal." Camelia smiled, her arms behind her back as she followed behind.

I couldn't help but look over at her with my own smile and a small blush. She had just recently started calling me lokaal which was the Dovahzul or Dragon Language word for love. Every time she said it, I felt my heart float up a little more.

Nokiya made a gagging sound and I turned my head back to look at her.

"Sorry. I'm allergic to romance." Nokiya answered.

"Weren't you trying to go out with Kira?" I asked.

"She and I weren't meant to be." Nokiya glared at me. I almost felt bad because I knew she still had feelings for Kira, but there was nothing she could do.

Nokiya dragged me into the library after all, and I was relieved to find that the mage wasn't here.

"Can you let me go now Nokiya!? I growled. I pulled my arm from her grasp and she sighed.

"I guess we'll just wait for her to show up." Nokiya said as she sat on one of the many tables.

Saying the library was huge was an understatement. Everywhere you looked you couldn't see the end wall, or the ceiling. Of course this could have been because hundreds of rows of bookshelves stood in the way. However you also couldn't see the top of these because they rose up into the shadows of the ceiling that may or may not go on for eternity. And to top it all off, every shelf was full of books. So full that some books and pages hung out of a shelf once in a while.

There were tables and desks scattered about in the middle of a large opening which was the lobby of the library. Nokiya sat on one of those tables.

"I have a better idea. Let's just go!" I offered.

Camelia laughed and pushed me into one of the four chairs by the table Nokiya was sitting on. "We need her help Akiya. We can't afford to leave."

I groaned. "I know, I know. But magic creeps me the hell out."

"Pardon me." Came a voice from behind me.

I stood up and looked behind me to see Sarah standing there. She was holding a few books in her arms as she watched me.

"Just who we were looking for." Nokiya smiled warmly. "You think you can give us a hand?"

"With?" Sarah asked.

"My baby sister's seal is so strong she can't turn into a dragon and we need her to be able to. So do you think you can help us break the seal?" Nokiya asked.

"Baby sister?! We're twins you stupid fu-"I was cut off by Sarah.

"I can. But it'll take some time for me to find the seal." Sarah said.

"What, really?" I asked.

"No." Sarah answered. She paused a second. "On the second part. I can help you, but it won't take very long to find the seal because the seal is right here." She poked the air in front of me and a purple symbol materialized in the air. She traced her finger along the symbol and it changed with her touch. Eventually it was a completely different symbol and she put her palm against it, then closed her fist and it all vanished.

"Done." She said. She then walked past and sat at another table where she opened her book and began reading.

"What really? Just like that?" I asked.

Stargazer (Lesbian Story, OLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora