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An intense desperation in my bones drew me into the school. I had a feeling it would be the final time I entered the brick walls that had become my home. 

"Code red!" I began to shout our somewhat cliché warning that we needed to evacuate immediately. I recalled that Doc had come up with the idea for a warning call himself, and Jason had suggested "code red." In an ironic turn of fate, it was now being used against them. Their betrayal stung a bit, but there were more pressing matters at the forefront of my mind.

Once someone heard my call, they too began shouting the warning, carrying it along until, hopefully, everyone would know that we were in danger and would have ample time to evacuate. 

I had seen the convoy of government vehicles approaching at high speed, but I hoped I would have enough time to do a run-through of the school and make sure everyone got out in time. I entered the main doors and continued at full sprint, the slap of the soles of my boots against tile echoing down the halls. I continued shouting the warning as I went, my voice growing hoarse.

A few faces blurred past me, running in the opposite direction toward the exits. Some of them carried the bag of survival supplies that we kept pre-packed in our rooms. It was part of the evacuation plan that no one should stop to ask for an explanation—if you hear the code, just run. If the supplies are in reach when you hear the alarm, grab them, otherwise don't stick around for anything—get out as soon as possible. The thought crossed my mind that I was breaking the rules and putting myself at risk, but I was doing what I felt I must.

Before I could react, a figure burst out of one of the doors along the hallway. I barrelled directly into them, but the imposing figure didn't budge. I realized with some amount of horror that it was Doc. He laid his hands on my shoulders, and they tightened like a vice.


I'm posting short lil baby chapters like this because it helps me write faster. :)

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