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[October 25, 2018]

The red headed boy places you in a bench under the shed where the both of you first met. His touch were soft and delicate as he let go of you, sitting beside you.

His brows still furrowed as he reached for your chin and lifted your head to see it. He hissed as he saw some hand marks from Rhea's slap. "It's swollen." He muttered that made you gulp.

You can feel his breath on your face. Mint and chocolate, that is what you smelled. You don't know what to say or how to start a conversation between you two.

"I'm going to get some ice." He said to inform you.

His voice was cold as anger still hangs to it. And everytime you hear his voice, it hurts you. You wanted to bring back what you had before. The casual talks. The meaningful words he always say.

Your head was hurting as you try to think of a way to talk to him. Frustration and anxiety filled you up as Taehyung stood up from his seat.

You panic as you hear his foot twitch. One step, your head creates a chaos. Two steps, do you really have to think of what to do? Just wing it. Three steps, you gulp as you let yourself free. Your hands flying out as you grip the back of his shirt.

He halts but didn't face you. He just wait there, he waited for you to speak, to do what you want to do. He let you have your time as he hear your heavy breathing.

He heard your loud gulp and he smiled a little at that. "Are you mad at me?" You say as you grip the back of his shirt tighter, slightly twisting it.

The smile vanished when you asked him that. Why would he be mad at you? He understood you from the very beginning. How you needed to protect Jungkook and you needed him to stay away from you. But he just couldn't help but feel jealous of the fact that you chose Jungkook over him.

"No." He whispered. Taehyung shook his head.

"Then why aren't you talking to me?" You whimpered, tears formed at the corner of your eyes and you pulled Taehyung closer to you.

"Because you told me to stay away." His voice was stern. Taehyung tried so hard not to let you hear how hurt he was as he put a cold tone.

Your lips quiver. "Can't you just take me back again?"

And with that, the red headed boy turns to face you. Eyes soft yet surprised. He saw how you whimper and cry like a child. And at that moment, he adored you.

"Do you want me to?" He softly said as he sat again beside you.

Finally doing what he wanted to do in the music room yesterday, he wiped your tears with his thumb. Tapping lightly on your cheeks as he dry your tears.

"I'm sorry. Please just take me back. Its not true that I don't need you. I need you." You sob and Taehyung smile sadly.

"I need you too and I think its dangerous for me to." He stares at your eyes, gulping as he confess.

It was true, it was dangerous for him to need you. For you will become his weakest spot, his Achilles' heel. He didn't want it to happen but he had no other choice as he feel himself being pulled towards you no matter how hard he try to not care for you anymore.

"Please come back to me." You whisper as you sniff.

And the red headed boy couldn't hold it any longer. He let his arms wrap around your body, his head falling to your shoulder. You were immediately engulfed by his warmth.

That same feeling again, you feel at ease. You felt safe and comfortable with his hug. It was true Taehyung brings harmony to your life but why does your heart flips and turns, if that is even possible? Why do you feel like this?

Questions started to pop inside your head but you could only focus on Taehyung's pattern of breathing.

He retreats his face to see yours. He stared at you for a moment as he gazed at you lovingly. "Oh baby, I'm only waiting for you to say it." He muttered and you cried out of happiness, a smile crept into your lips.

And the clouds starts to rain, probably crying as you reconcile with Taehyung. No, the skies weren't dark and the rain was not too strong, it was as if the sky was rejoicing as it watch the both of you.

"Don't make me stay away from you ever again." He says as he bury his head in your hair, his arms tightening like he never want to let you go ever again and you nod as you silently promise it to yourself.

You won't leave his side ever again.


Note: I noticed some of you have been calling me author-nim, but that makes me feel awkward somehow, and I would prefer being called by my pseudonym which is: Rosie.

So I hope you guys start calling me Rosie from now on, in that way it would feel less formal and I wouldn't feel awkward anymore. Thank you for understanding, I love y'all

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