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[November 30, 2018]

"Jungkook, would you rather have me blind or not?" You asked him as you walk together. Your arm linked to his.

"I'd always want you to see my handsome face. But I'll take you blind or not." You smiled at that, ignoring his cockiness.

Jungkook always know how to move you. He may be cocky sometimes but he will never forget about you and your feelings. He wouldn't joke around something that would hurt you. Truly, you were blessed with him.

"What do feel about Taehyung, Y/n?" He asked you all of a sudden.

You didn't speak for a moment as you start to think. What do you feel about Taehyung? You try to remember every time you were with him. And you couldn't help but smile. The red headed boy's effect to you was truly amazing.

"Taehyung? He's... I don't know. I can't explain it. He makes me feel safe, wanted, happy and sometimes he makes me blush too. He made me hope and now, he's the reason why I want to see again. I think I can conquer the world just by being with him. He's special, that's for sure." You didn't notice yourself rambling.

Jungkook was smiling at you the whole time. He watched how you cutely discribe your feelings. Moreover, the twinkling of your eyes as you try to relive the feelings in your heart.

"Where's Taehyung, anyway?" Jungkook asked as his brows met. He haven't seen the red headed boy all day long.

"He told me he won't be coming to school today for family reasons." You told him as you remembered what Kim Taehyung told you yesterday when he dropped you home at your house.

"Oh. Then can you wait for me here?" He said as you both stop on the shed. He put down your belongings and made you sit on the bench.

You nod as you patiently wait for him. You heard his footsteps running away from you. Then there was silence, the cold breeze made you shiver a bit. It was like a reminder that the christmas season is near and that means snow.

You inhaled deeply. Oh, how time flies. You remembered that rainy day again, when you heard his footsteps approaching you. When you first heard his deep voice. Where you first smelled his perfume that is now your favorite scent. You can't help but giggle to yourself.

Looking back to what you and Taehyung were, you were practically strangers back then. And now, the both of you held a special place in each other hearts. You can now say that you and the red headed boy has come a long way.

You were too preoccupied with the thought of the red headed boy that you didn't hear the footsteps nearing you.

"Y/n." You heard a squeaky voice.

You recognized it. It was always a unique one. A melodic voice that only belongs to one man. "Park Jimin?" You said.

"Hey. Its been a while." He replied as he sat down next to you. His signature plumpy lips turn into a soft smile.

"I know. How are you?" You smiled at him.

You kind of miss this boy. He was there when Taehyung wasn't beside you. He was also there to protect you. He also tried to light up your world. Somehow, he was significant in your life.

"I'm fine. How are you and Taehyung?" You were a bit shocked when he mentioned the red headed boy.

"We're great." You simply answered. Because there was no words that can describe you two.

"I hope he makes you happy." He mumbled and you stiffen as you recognize sadness in his voice.

"Listen, I've been wanting to tell you how much I like you but you were always with Taehyung. So when you two had a quarrel, I took that as a chance to be with you but it seems like I can't give you happiness like he does." He said. At first, he tried hiding sadness in his voice but now, it was all too obvious as his voice shakes.

"Jimin..." You muttered, you don't know what to say to the boy next to you.

"I know. You don't have to feel guilty. Its been months since that happened. And I know I should be moving on right now but I can't seem to do it without telling you how I feel." He gulps thickly. He paused, feeling his voice might break.

"I just want you to be happy. You don't know how beautiful you are when you are happy or how your blind eyes twinkle whenever you smile. But I think that only happens when Taehyung is around." He smiled at last, even though there was hurt in his eyes he still managed to smile as he look at you so dearly.

He knew this will be the last time that he will look at you like this. Like you were the most precious thing in this world.

"Taehyung, he's a great guy. Keep him. I only wish for your happiness. Goodbye, Y/n." He said as he held your hand then bringing it to his plumpy lips.

He kissed your knuckles as his smile falters. Then you felt him. You felt his hand slowly slip away.

Taehyung and you first met in this shed. The shed was also the place where the two of you connected. Now, this shed is the place where Jimin ends his feelings for you. This shed is the place where you two disconnect.


Yes, Park Jimin is still alive and well but broken hearted in this book.

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