I am back bitches.

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Short, sharp and forceful steps echoed and then stopped abruptly. "Why on earth is that there?" A gruff hard voice asked to his companion that seemed to only just stop walking on egg shells with him. "When Horace had this office he requested the painting stay. As he was the first ever to actually use the room we saw no reason to disagree. I had to silence it though as I kept hearing banging and odd noises. We will have it removed if you wish." Severus nodded and turned swiftly around making his cloak swirl and whizz around his ankles. The black was suffocating as the little light that small windows provided was snuffed out by blinds. The woman sighed and sat before his desk with a pointed and expecting look. "What?" It was bitter but care was also heard. "You know that I do not wish to return." He seemed to be telling himself more than her. "And I know of no curse or spell keeping you here." She was right and Snape sighed placing his forehead on his righthand. "What will the students say?" Now he wasn't telling her but trying to persuade himself to leave. "That you are the bravest man they ever met. Besides, since when did you care what the students said?" With every query he gave she provided a solution and a truth that he needed to hear.

"Severus, we will pick up where we left off tomorrow. We are tired and you are used to lazing about." His black hair was a mess and a fair bit longer than usual as he had given up on his appearance which was obvious with the dark circles and faded features that consumed his pale face. His sallow skin was evidently paler than before and this carried on over his body aside from his neck. A large red mark was unable to be concealed as it spread up and across his delicate and soft skin. His old teaching robes were lost as the pain that had been caused by the rubbing fabric drove him insane and caused him to snap on more than one occasion. Now he wore a white shirt with a low lying collar as well as a black suit that was buttoned from just below his neck all the way down. Black pointy shoes were still worn, as well as his smart trousers. "Goodnight headmistress." His voice muttered as she left gracefully.

Firewhisky, a drink that Severus knew well. The bottle was almost gone when he noticed the painting that was still there in his office. A man with brown hair stood staring at the professor before him and the oil work seemed furious about something. This did not bother Severus but the now empty bottle did and so with all his might the glass was thrown and than a lazy wand flick made it all disappear. Grumbles and grunts came from the man as he finally noticed the room around him.

The walls were black just as they had been in his old office. The older one, however, belonged to Horace still and so he was forced to take that one. All others were either broken, already in use or on the other side of the castle but his determined mind wouldn't allow him to walk back and forth constantly. His room was close and so was his classroom so in reality it was pointless going anywhere else. There was that one painting on the wall but aside from that only shelves and bookcases covered the walls. His desk was like the walls and in it sat a painting. In the small frame was his favourite person, Lily. Her orange hair waved wildly around her whilst her green eyes sparkled with mirth. The photo was of her when she was younger, 11 to be exact and he couldn't stop silently raging at all the loss that had occurred all because of him. The memories would normally consume him but he was drunk, tired and in a new environment. The walk back to his chambers was shorter than he remembered as his tall, large stature seemed almost straight but his nose stuck out a little.

The private chambers that belonged to the older man were cold, just like before and the familiarity that he felt warmed him a little. His broad, pulled back shoulders were slouched and his rear hit the soft fabric that he called a sofa. The material was far more comfortable than his desk chair was but the comfort that it brought was also causing him to give in and succumb to the desire of sleep and rest. Heavy lids fought to remain open but his tired mind was too weak and so eventually they stopped opening. The man was at peace and not even a nightmare dared to claim his drunken mind.

"Severus, when term starts you are strictly forbidden to partake of any alcohol. I know that you enjoy the horrid stuff but I am putting my foot down when the students are here. From the first of September all the way to the summer when students leave none of this is allowed." The woman wasn't harsh but caring and she knew that she would not be able to walk on egg shells around him if she desired any positive response. "Very well, I will not drink knowingly." They were an odd choice of words but her skeptical face gave a final look of agreement. "I might love you but still you push all the wrong buttons sometimes." A smirk grace his lips and he mischievously retorted "and what would the right buttons be?" Wide blue eyes stared at him in shock at his poor choice of response. "You are filth. Utter filth." The pair had almost become friends over the year and so a comfort always laid over the pair like a blanket. "Right, I have some letters to send." With that the witch cloaked in green left the area and once again the man was alone. His black orbs met the utterly horrendous painting once again and a sneer claimed his features.

A few spells and charms came to mind and then used in an attempt to remove the wooden frame that was quite the spectacle and eyesore compared to the black that consumed the dark arts professor's office. Even the desk was pitch black. Fury had claimed him as none of them had worked. An amused feature came across the painting as he watched the failed attempts that were made by the man in black. A dangerous eyebrow of disapproval rose from the man who then spoke "you are a painting. You are dead and I am not. You also have a silencing charm and I do not. You are in no place to judge." The painting saw the reality of the situation and turned his back in frustration. "Real mature." Came as a deep response and so the brunette in the portrait stomped in an agitated response.

"What are you up to Severus?" Curiously the usual woman walked in alongside the charms professor. "Trying to remove this eyesore. It will not budge." Flitwick watched curiously as the man became frustrated to an even higher degree than when the duo had first entered the blackened office. "May I try?" Lazily the black clad man stepped aside and watched as more failed attempts were made by the small man. "Strong magic this." Came as a mutter more to himself than those around him. "Who put this painting up?" Filius asked curiously. "It just appeared here. Albus didn't even realise it existed." Snape slightly stiffened at the name being mentioned but the other adults chose to ignore the fact.

"Who put you up here?" The brunette contemplated the question before answering. "Don't have a clue. All I know is that a banging is constantly sounded, just like now. It stops around night time but that is all. I do know, however, there was a locking charm used on me." It was honest and the three pondered the words until the short man cast multiple unlocking spells on the painting until finally a loud crack sounded. "Let me leave please. Not only is it boring in here for me I seem unable to move to other paintings, not to mention that constant noise. I mean a hallway would do." The older woman let out a deep breath and nodded. "Very well." When this was said a final spell was finally done and sure enough the painting was lifted from the wall and the short man walked it to a hall that Minerva had pointed out to him.

The two adults were turned and watched as the small figure wandered away into the distance with the door height painting. A few complaints were heard about being turned sideways but that stopped when he was vertically placed again. Finally, the adult pair turned around but a loud gasp came as wrinkled fingers covered a surprised mouth. A step was also taken back by the pair as they saw what laid there, hidden, until then.

Snape x OC: It's All In The Walls Of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now