Guess who.

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The wall was not there. There should have been brick and blackness but the pair met an opening. What was more the opening was slightly filled, long honey hair was reaching the floor around a barely dressed girl that sat on her knees. A black crop top covered her upper half and a pair of black pants hid her intimate parts. She looked as though she had been there for a while but her clothes seemed fresh and newly washed. Minerva felt fear and concern wash over her. "Professor?" It was light and wide shining light blue eyes stared shocked at the pair before her. "Miss Brown." A tear slipped down the pale features of the girl. Hope covered her face as weak legs lifted her. A small pale hand lifted and went to extend into the open air but it stopped at an almost invisible boundary, Miss Brown fell to her knees and wept bitterly. The older woman rushed to comfort her but was also stopped by something. Her hand could not go any closer than an inch away from the girl.

Minerva mentally cursed at the fact that she could not do what she was paid to do. Comfort, care and help grow. The invisible bound had brought her to a stop but still she tried to reach until the useless nature of the task had made its way up into her mind. Had the boundary not been there her wrinkled hands would have been on the smooth ones of the girl who had wrapped her small fingers into the smooth strands of hair that resided on the top of her head. The entire body was folded over as tears wet the ground as they fell a short height, six centimetres at most, and washed the ground. The honey hair covered the pale and wet face from the view of the two other adults but her shaking body and loud cries made sure of the fact that everyone knew what was happening.

"Who are you?" A deep baritone voice asked with curiosity woven like silk into his voice. "She is Grace, Grace Brown." Minerva answered as still sobs wracked the chest of the woman. "How old is she?" Minerva didn't even think about it. "She would be I don't know now." Severus was curious as to the story and so waited until the tears dulled and only double breathing was heard. "How did you end up in there?" His tone was not light like expected but Grace answered anyway. "I, I was about to get on the boats, after graduation when I fell out with a friend. He liked me but I didn't like him. I was pulled into this office and down this small corridor. I started storming away and then the next thing I knew he pushed me into here. You can figure the rest." Minerva never let her eyes fall until feet entered the room again.

"Miss Brown?" A high pitched male voice asked with a hint of confusion. "Professor Flitwick?" He nodded making his bob move with him. The woman he once called a student had spoken to him and there was definite shock at the fact. "Could you get the other staff?" Finally a tough Scottish accent had broken the two pairs of eyes that didn't seem to want to leave one another. The short man left and sure enough he went about quickly to the staff room where they resided. No words were said as the three all stood watching one another. Grace found no words and the other two adults wanted to see if she would do anything suddenly. Hurried and rapid steps didn't seem to arrive quick enough for the three as all other staff that were in the castle approached. A few surprised 'Miss Brown?' Words were spoken as the once quiet office was filled. "The case of a missing Miss Brown is closed, however, she appears to be unable to leave the confinement that has been placed on her." Minerva was loud and certain as she spoke to the staff that she worked with. "Please, call me Grace." Although no one sounded a reply they all agreed. "Who is Miss Grace?" A bewildered muggle studies professor asked. Slughorn spoke up "an outstanding student who received top marks in all her subjects. Never, have I known a student to get such high grades in so many subjects. She did, however, go missing a long time ago." A large blush was angrily spreading up the girl's throat and face. Her barely dressed body was on show and so her nerves were getting far worse with every passing moment. "How did you get in there dear?" A Pomona Sprout asked bluntly. "Matthew. He got angry and things happened." Her shoulders raised showing more skin and so the bones fell again to cover more.

The room was finally clearing when Madam Pomfrey stopped and opened her mouth whilst thinking her words through "help her get out. She has been gone for a while." He nodded once and watched as he was almost alone. "I can only apologise but as you know I have to be here. There is a room back there but I can still hear everything." It was absent minded, her response, as her long honey hair entertained her. "How old are you?" His question was unexpected to say the least and just as she looked up to answer she saw 'anger?' in his features. "Dunno." Her long legs carried her to the only other area, a small and empty room that she called a 'home' but it was all she had. The walls were bland and cold, just like the floor but she was used to the freezing temperatures that the area brought. A small piece of wood lay in the corner providing minimal light to the room. She was smart but also ever since entering the space not once was she wide awake, there was always a slight drag to just breathe, nevermind move and do activities. Sleep was always easily accomplished but was rarely felt as she tried urgently to break free. No spells or charms seemed to work for her though. Before more tears could consume her a voice spoke from a distance. "How are you alive?" His deep voice was unmistakable and so slowly she made it to the entrance and sat patiently by the vast opening.

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