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For days the man in black did not return to his office. Isolation wasn't had though as professors regularly visited and spoke with Grace. Still with low hope she was not her usual happy self, it wasn't uncommon for her to cry, snap or tell them that it was all just hopeless. Her barely covered skin made it tough to feel comfortable but she pretended that it didn't bother her. Grace was in her own world for most of the time that she was awake for and so the craving for physical contact and also the sun was too much to handle at times.

With a loud crash the wooden door flew open and with a wave of the man's wand Grace was concealed. She was about to protest when she heard him speak. "Sit." Not even when he was furious at her did he use that tone. "What on earth do you two think you were doing? You could have killed someone." Wide eyes met the dark at his chosen words. Her ear was placed up to the boundary but the words were slightly muffled so she pulled back. "You are supposed to be representing Slytherin not casting shame on the name. Now, you shall both serve a month of detentions and 30 points each. Mr Tyler you will be with Professor Hagrid and Miss Lewis you shall serve the detention with Filch." He stopped for a second and the anger washed through the room in waves. "Yes sir." They both spoke at once and Grace pulled back so she was sat on the stone floor again. The door was swished open and cold air ran through the entire space and some dust made it to Grace. Despite her valiant attempts to stop it, the sneeze came. A hushed and surprised 'what?' was heard from one of the students. Their voices were heard from the doorway and so they had pretty much left the room when it was heard. Both sets of eyes immediately went to the professor in black but he seemed to be unmoved. "Yes?" The female of the two grew some confidence "what was that?" Snape shrugged and the door slammed behind them, no response made.

There was no warning when the bookcase that covered the opening went flying back to where it was supposed to be. "What was that?" There was still some venom in his voice from dealing with the two students. "Sorry, dust." A quizzical eyebrow raised at her words. "How did the dust get in?" Her shoulders raised to tell him she had no clue. "I mean air gets in and out easily enough. I assume the dust is from in here. I have never actually felt a breeze in here though." His grunt came and she saw he was done with the conversation. "Don't grunt. Why not just agree? Or perhaps a word of acknowledgement." This only made the man grunt again and louder. "Dogs, that is who makes noises like that. Are you a dog? No, now stop." Her true age was showing as she berated him. "Who made you my superior?" It was supposed to be rhetorical but she answered. "Fate and a dick called Matthew." A grunt came from the man in annoyance. "Oh, when I die I am so haunting you." Snape found the topic unfortunate and unappealing. "You aren't going to die." His voice spoke loudly and her eyebrow raised in question. "Death comes to us all. Even Voldemort died." Over time the man in black had become accustomed to the name but still it made his heart leap. "If I die in here, will your office start smelling?" Snape glanced up at her and saw an amused look in her eyes that seemed to challenge him and cause a stir deep in him.

"You will not die in there. I will free you before that happens." He sounded but did not feel certain of his words. "You don't believe that. I can tell." Severus was confused how the girl knew him as well as she did but he needed her to stop. It would only come back and hurt him. His black orbs met Lily's portrait and no longer did grief claim his thought. 'What?' he couldn't understand why he didn't even feel guilt at not feeling grief. "Why do you insist on talking?" It was a huffed out question as he marked more papers. "Would you prefer it if I left you alone?" Hurt was forced out of her voice as she answered his question with a question. What Snape said next he wasn't sure why he did. It wasn't aimed to hurt but he knew that it would. "Obviously." Was slowly drawled out and in a similar fashion the girl stood in a slumped manner. Her small frame was brought back into the room that she knew all too well.

A few days, weeks and months passed as the girl stayed well hidden. A few students were brought into the man's office and the girl knew immediately as all light would be lost when a bookcase would cover the small entrance. There was no sulking had but all the time was spent in a dream land that was entirely her own. A few times he tried to coax her out but even with the prospect of freedom Grace remained hidden. Thoughts consumed her as memories of the sun, the green grass and most of all the loving touch of a human filled all thoughts. Hopes were down and so were her thoughts. All that ran through her mind was the promise she made to not try kill herself whilst in the room. All thoughts immediately stopped when a woman spoke, it wasn't directed to Grace like it usually was but to the man out there. The light slightly flickered for a moment as the frame prevented light from entering the small space momentarily.

"Severus, I know that you wanted the position of defence teacher for a while but would you consider the potion master again? Horace wishes to leave at the end of this year." The older woman had become more lively as the war's effects lessened in time. "I would consider it." Grace had to freeze, she was sure that the man felt hope and almost excitement at the idea. "You would be able to do the one thing you have wished, you can return to your old office. The new defence teacher shall take this one. They shall also take over the case of freeing dear Grace." Severus stopped for a moment and then spoke. "I shall decline. I have after all tried to achieve this job for a considerable amount of time." Minerva sighed a tired sigh and began leaving after she muttered a 'very well' at him. The woman stopped though when rapid steps were sounded. "No, he wants the potion position. Let him have it." It was the first time the girl had spoken for three months whilst the man dressed in black was around. "I gave my answer." This did not have the desired effect of silencing her. Quite the opposite. "Severus Tobias Snape. For the past almost three years all I have heard from you was misery and annoyance. When the prospect of this new position was offered I didn't hear that. I heard hope. Something that I haven't felt for two years. Don't stop yourself, do what you want. I have no hope but you do, go, do it." Minerva watched as the man watched the girl with a blank face. "I will let you two discuss it. I shall see you at dinner." Minerva bowed her head and left the room moments later. The door was closed behind her and the two could talk together.

"What makes you think I was hopeful?" His tone aimed to dissuade her but it still had no effect. Her entire body was used to his voice. "For three years we have spent countless hours together. Just do it. I know that I am forcing my desires onto you but just do it. If not for you then me. Do what makes you happy. Be free." Severus saw her determined face and felt like when he still said no there would be no end to her annoyance. 'There are some desires I wouldn't mind her forcing onto me. What does that even mean?' Severus thought all in one quick rush. "I said no. No means exactly that." Still the stubborn girl pushed forward. "When she offered it you said that you would think about it. You sounded happy. When she mentioned you leaving this office your face fell and then your voice was its usual cold tone. Why?" Snape saw the girl and could find no reason to lie but he himself didn't really understand why he felt that way. "I want to help free you." A sad smile tugged at the lips of the woman as she slowly fell to her bottom. "Don't let me hold you back. You do that to yourself enough. Besides, why am I so important? Minerva even said that you leaving this office was what you wanted all along." Her tone had dropped to a slow and almost reverent one as she spoke. Knowledge and understanding naturally laced itself into her kind voice.

Snape x OC: It's All In The Walls Of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now