Diabetics and sweets.

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The old man had left the younger one to think. There wasn't much thought though as he entered the room that he knew Grace to be in. The room was dark and the bedding a silky black. Contemplating what to do he slipped his coat and shoes off. After a few layers the man was only in boxers and he found himself climbing into bed with the woman. Of course she wore purely a small top that only served to hide her enough and pants that were smaller than he thought she would be comfortable with. Still though he crept in and laid behind her. His strong arms pulled her closer and she lightly shifted. "Severus?" Her question was quiet and a slight rumble sounded in agreement. "Why are you here?" The sleep washed over and through her. "Sleeping, now be quiet." Her body slightly pulled away and Severus feared her getting disgusted with him but instead Grace buried her face into his chest and placed an arm around his waist.

The black curtains kept light out but it wasn't this that scared Grace. The body that she clung to and also clung to her made her heart leap and do back flips. Immediately her whole body flew back onto the other side of the bed. A light scream resonated from the witch and the sleeping lump eventually woke. "I, I don't want you like that Matthew. Stop please." Severus sat bolt upright and flicked the lights on with his hand. "Matthew?" His question made her blanch and spit out. "We never slept together. He just kept trying to sleep with me. I am still waking up." Strong arms wrapped around her but she pulled back. "You know it is weird to creep into a person's bed right?" His baritone laugh lightened her heart and mind making her feel comfort. "You were more than happy with it last night." Her wide eyes made him grip her chin between two fingers. "We didn't do anything aside from sleep." Her face lightened slightly and she fell back into the bed. "It is still early, go to bed." Her arms pulled him down and his hand blew the candles out. The pair cuddled together and fell asleep. Neither were thinking properly though as they were so innocent.

When the pair finally accepted the time they just laid there with eyes wide open. Strong arms clutched to a small woman who was pushed, flush against the masculine form. "Why did you come in here?" Finally her mind could take the scene in. "Aberforth told me about diabetics and sweet shops." Lips made contact with her sweet forehead as they laughed together. "Severus, call me Grace. I mean it isn't a kink just I prefer the sound over Miss Brown." A slight vibration from his chest and a silky and sleep washed laugh erupted and turned the witch on to no end. The room was too dark to make much out but Severus felt the woman tense slightly. "What is wrong?" His question highlighted the concern felt for her. "Nothing." Slim arms were located around the wizard, one around his waist and the other beneath his neck as they met on the other side in an embrace. Smooth lips kissed his chest and a leg wrapped around his legs as she wanted to sleep again. It was Severus' turn to be turned on but for him it was more than just a tense. He felt a part of his body tense that hadn't done so in too long.

"Severus, what is that digging into my inner thigh?" The right leg that was wrapped around his core was pressed up against his excitement. "Nothing. Go to bed." Grace knew that was a lie. "What are you wearing?" The man had to regain composure. "Boxers." Wide blue eyes met the dark air as she realised what it was. "Well, you have just woken up." The man just thanked anything that he could for the darkness. "I think I need to head to work." Grace was about to get up when Severus pulled her back. "This place isn't open on a Sunday." He was right and she knew it. "Very well." For the day the pair stuck together. It was like when he worked in his office and she would just talk to him. This time though the pair were together and Grace felt hope. The day passed and soon Grace found herself walking Severus up to the castle. "Goodbye Broody." He shook his head and pulled her through with himself. "Silly, you will stay here. Aberforth has stated that he can manage with the goats alone. You must visit often though." The woman nodded and noticed that he was holding a shrunken suitcase that she recognised.

"What will I be doing though?" He directed her towards the head mistresses office where they met the statue. "Sherbert Lemon." The stairs moved and off they went. Minerva sat at her desk clearly expecting them. "Right, I would like to waste no time. Blood pop?" The woman accepted and began sucking on the sweet as the three spoke. "Few people actually like them. Severus included. Anyway, I want to officially invite you to teach here as an assistant. You would assist all of the staff that work here." No hesitation was felt or evident as the woman nodded. The pop never left her mouth as she agreed to the contract. "Very well, you will need your own office. You can have the one you spent so many years in or you may find another." Pale wide blue eyes let a tear slip. "With your permission I would ask that the entire room be mine. The little room I slept in for so many years to be where I sleep." The older woman nodded. "Grace, it is lovely to see you. Your skin is so pretty and well, all of you is." The older woman had earned a hug and then the younger pair walked to the office. "You know, you are the best type of friend." A flash of Lily claimed Severus as he realised what she had done. He was her friend. The pair quickly came the the desired staircase but Snape made a lame excuse of needing to be elsewhere.

Making the journey alone Grace made her legs carry her up flights and through multiple corridors, passing the Ravenclaw common room in the process. Memories of her days at the school slipped effortlessly into her mind as she saw the memorable sights that as a student she recognised. The walls seemed to have held strong as stories of the bricks lower down falling and breaking had made it to her ears. Smooth fingers traced along the wall and she felt every impurity that the brickwork held. Soon enough the painting that for countless years had covered her came into view. "You're the girl they found behind me aren't you?" Her honey locks nodded as she smile kindly to the man. "You deserved better than that." A smile danced on her lips as she finally turned the corner to her office.

Snape x OC: It's All In The Walls Of HogwartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang