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"Snape. Have you ever thought about having a child?" Saving a grunt Snape looked from his paperwork to the other side of the desk where she resided. Quickly though panic was set through him but an attempt was made to hide it. "You aren't pregnant are you?" A bitter laugh came in response whilst pain also claimed her voice. "Too old. Poppy told me yesterday. Safe to say that isn't ever going to happen." A front of not caring took her and it was believable but Snape knew she had always wanted kids. "What made you ask?" Returning to his work half heartedly as he listened in. "I always wanted a child but well, that was a lost cause. I mean I was out years ago and it never happened. I just hoped that I would not let you down. I mean if you find yourself a younger girl who can, not a student obviously, I would be upset but understand if you did. Some men just want even one child." Snape heard the lost nature of her voice and instantly moved to her side. "Never, will you let me down. If you were pregnant I would stay with you just as I am without a child." Lips met hers and a tear found its way down her cheek. "Let's go to bed." The pair walked only a few steps to her private quarters and entered.

"Students will spread rumours if you spend so much time with me." In response Severus picked her up and walked across the the bed. "Let them." In bed they were doing not much sleeping until both had run out of energy. "Severus, who was your first?" His heart skipped a beat but he spoke honestly seeing no reason to lie "a death eater. She was a Flint. Who was yours?" Thick fingers played with honey hair as they laid together on the soft mattress. "You." The short answer resulted in her hair being dropped and then she was forced into a sitting position so that they were face to face. "Why didn't you tell me?" Confusion took Grace and she asked a question she knew the answer to "if you knew would you have still done it with me?" His hair shook with an answer of 'no' and Grace pulled the covers up to cover herself. "When could I have? I was locked in here for half my life, I was so young when I was put in here and the two years where I was out in the world I lived with a man who was in a relationship." Severus realised that he should have figured that out. "You were innocent." Grace laughed at this. Instantly the covers were dropped and she pushed in so that her frame loomed over him and her lips met his. "Tell me that you wouldn't do it again though." His lips met hers and Grace knew she was right. "I wouldn't." His eyes never left hers and surprise took her features. "Would you have preferred someone else to have done it?" Hungry black eyes raked over her hungrily and she smirked making him realise the truth. "I hear Hagrid is good." Snape pushed her off him and let her fall asleep. Silence took the room as shallow breaths were hardly heard. It didn't take long however, till snores filled the room as a rumble came from the wizard's chest.

The breakfast table was filled with all food available as well as staff and students filled the rows of tables before the adults. Groggy eyes filled the room as students all received their timetable from their head of house. "Mr Williams, please refrain from correcting your professors this time. You and I know that they know their subjects." A sly look of agreement was given as the boy remembered correcting his professors regularly whilst being told that he was actually wrong. Staff were watching on as the children all talked of their holidays and all the gossip that they could think of. "Do not speak ill of those you do not know." Grace reminded a student as she passed and the colour was lost from their face.

Classes had begun and first years seemed to want to challenge the staff. Stupid questions that had made even Snape grateful for his other years. "Won't that kill us?" One girl asked without bothering to raise her hand. Muffled laughs came from the rest of the class at such an idea. "Ten points from Hufflepuff for talking without permission and no. The charm will lift a feather from the desk not kill you." Hufflepuff all groaned at the loss of points as they were already in last. "Right, have a go." With a swift wand movement the feathers were placed on the desks from a shelf and the charm was tried.

Seventh years were next and their intelligence astounded Grace. "Off you go." The students had met her before and so knew to just get on with it. "Professor?" The student who had successfully done the spell spoke up. "Yes Mr Yates?" Pale blue eyes still wandered from the left to the right as a letter was read. "A while ago my little sister's friends were in trouble with Snape. As her and her friend were leaving his office she said that she heard a sneeze, why would that be?" The question was random and her face leaked confusion. "Why are you asking me?" The boy spoke a little louder. The class were already listening. "His old office is your one now." It took a second and then she realised what had happened. "Yes, you see I know that you know I was trapped in the castle for too many years." Nods showed that they all knew. "Well, I was trapped behind a barrier that prevented anything other than air to enter or leave. The place I was kept was behind one of the bookshelves. The sneeze was mine." Wide eyes watched her as she explained. The whole class having finished the task successfully. "Wow." Hushed whispers broke out but stopped when the same student spoke again. "He locked you behind a bookshelf?" A quaint chuckle was seen rather than heard. "No he was helping me escape. The bookcase stopped rumours. Now, I expect a five foot essay on the effects of using this charm on a muggles photograph. Off you go." Grumbles became heard as they packed their bags and eventually leaving.

*two years later*
"Severus Tobias Snape, you ass." The man looked from his desk up to the woman who had spoken his full name. "Yes love." The comment had become a way of trying to get out of difficult situations as she would normally cave and kiss him but he saw the determination in her eyes. "You are dead." The desk was walked around as her knees were rested either side of his upper thighs. His hands rested on her hips and then they slipped down to her legs. Hands rested on his shoulders as anger flared. "You had no right to do what you did earlier. My class my students my rules. You are on the sofa tonight." Never had Grace liked being undermined and he had done it right to her face as well as her students. "My love let us talk about..." he was caught short when her hands lifted and then rested on her hips. His eyes watched cautiously as she did this, all the while his hands stayed on her legs. When he tried to get her to sit on his lap she stayed still. "You have lost the right to call me love. Screw the sofa you are sleeping in your own private quarters tonight." That hadn't happened for years and so quickly Snape realised how outraged she was.

"Dare I interrupt?" Minerva stood at the door with a delicate smile that looked forced, she was trying to calm Grace down. "How may I help you?" Grace kept her eyes on the woman and despite Snape grasping her legs to force her to look at him she would not. "We need to discuss some changes. I figured you, me and Albus could talk. I have no doubt the other ex headmasters will add something also." Grace nodded and removed herself from her own chair that Snape had taken as his own. "When I get back you better be in your own quarters." With that they were gone.

The meeting seemed to have taken longer than expected but a decision was made. Grace laid in her own bed alone and she was glad that finally he had not won just like that. He would need to learn that she was a human and had to keep herself in control just as much as he did. Soon sleep took her but throughout the night she woke and felt for the man she loved only to be found to be alone. When morning came Grace dressed and headed for breakfast. "You look tired." Pomona commented and Grace sighed at the look Snape gave her. "The meeting with Minerva went on till one this morning." The smug look was lost and he faced his food again. "So, how come Snape was in the dungeons this morning?" Pomona asked as the conversation had died. "He put on quite the show yesterday as he really undermined me." Minerva was passing the pair and so overheard what was spoken. "Husbands should respect wives Mr Snape. Just as wives should respect husbands. I do believe the poor dear deserves and apology." Knowing Minerva was right he waited until Grace left the hall and followed. Her office was entered and without Snape even realising that she knew he was there her mouth opened. "Severus, leave me alone." His hands grasped her waist and his chin rested on her shoulder. "I am sorry." His lips brushed against her cheek and his nose was also felt. "What for?" Snape smirked slightly. "Sorry for undermining you and also being an ass." Turning in his arms Grace kissed his lips softly. "It isn't okay but I will learn to forgive." Her teasing was clear she she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his soft lips again. "You are going to be the death of me."

Snape x OC: It's All In The Walls Of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now