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"Plwease tew us a dory." Two small infants sat on the lap of an absolutely exhausted Grace. "I have been telling you stories since you could open your eyes." Clearly confused miniature infant twins sat waiting with great anticipation for the story. "Fine. I will tell you one." Fists clenched and teeth made visible as pure joy covered their faces. "Once upon a time in a magical kingdom not that far away, there was a little girl who went to a school for people that were special. These people, they could make things happen that most people couldn't. A school filled with witches and wizards. The school was called Hogwarts. For lots of years the girl learnt how to use magic when suddenly on her last day of school a very bad boy threw her into a prison and made her hidden." Gasps and awe radiated through the room as the two listened. "For years the girl spent her time, alone, in the small prison with no one around her. Everyone thought she had run away into a forest not far from the school. Until one day a few people walked into a room and saw a weird painting. It took a while but, eventually the painting was removed from the wall and behind it the small girl was sat. Only, she wasn't a little girl anymore," once again gasps and small hands covered their small mouths as they heard more of the story. "The man was handsome and kind. The woman loved spending time with the the man as he tried to help her escape. The woman, called," after a moment of hesitation the first name that could cone to her head was blurted out "Ellis, was after nearly ten years free. The man, Tobias, was still sort of kind but soon he too was mean to her. Ellis worked at the magical school also until one day she said 'alright, I am leaving' and off she went. Off to care for children of her own. No one knows what happened after that." 'Ooh's and 'ahh's rang through the room at the mysterious ending.

"Not filling the children's heads with fairytales and make believe are you?" A decently deep rumble shot through the room slowly. "What? Shocked that there is a man out there who is kind? Don't worry, he was a bad guy in the end. You sir, you are safe." Raised brown eyebrows met Grace as she gave a flirtatious and challenging look back. "Daddy, where are you gowing?" The two toddlers were noticed and the pairs of eyes left one another. Grace pretended to brush imaginary dirt from her small body suit that covered not all that much. "I thought you two would like to go out with me. Give the house a break. Grace, care to come with us?" The honey locks moved in approval and small coats were grabbed but quickly forgotten as the high temperatures were finally noticed. "Daddy, you are the best daddy ever." A snort came from Grace as she heard this. "Don't get used to it Adam, soon it will be quite the opposite." Jokingly pushing her comment away with a false 'psh' sound the huddle of four left.

Green fields ran all around the quadrant as they wandered the area around them and small legs carried them all the way to a pleasant clearing where only fields seemed to exist. "The kids love it. I haven't seen them run off like this before." As Adam mentioned this he grabbed Grace's waist to pull her to him. Her face was rested on his shoulder as a deep breath was huffed out. "Why haven't you told me about your family?" His question caused her body to freeze. "They, they are dead." His grip tightened and a small smile took her face at the reassurance. "Who are they? They look very, odd." Light blue eyes snapped up and shaking slightly there, before her was Severus and Minerva in a heated discussion, one he seemed to be losing. "Lay down with me." Although a little hesitant Adam did just that and the pair laid on the vibrant grass. Honey hair was splayed around and behind as her face was rested on his chest. The sun shone overwhelming every sense.

"Grace. I wasn't expecting you." Minerva's happy voice chimmed making Grace open her resting eyes and stand up. As she did so Adam stood all the same. "Minerva, I wasn't expecting you either. Adam and I were just enjoying the sun." A welcoming smile came from the older witch to the muggle. "How rude of me." Something seemed to snap in Grace as suddenly a seemingly cheery tone came to light. "Adam, this is Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape. They are both professors at the school I used to teach at. Minerva being the headmistress and Severus head of a house and po-chemistry professor." The small slip up unnoticed and forgotten by Adam immediately. "Hello, I have heard a lot about you Ms McGonagall, never heard of you I am afraid." Slightly affronted by not being mentioned before Snape grunted. "Pleasure as always Snape." The harsh tone that was given showed how angry Grace was at the man. "We also attended school together, didn't realise until a few years ago."

Snape x OC: It's All In The Walls Of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now