Chapter 4

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Lindsey cried when she got home. 

So many questions were unanswered, and it made her want to scream. She came in through the door, and her mother and father stood there and waited. Their faces were twisted with concern, but Lindsey barely noticed.

"Where have you been?", her mother asked. 

Lindsey sniffled. She brushed past them and went straight to her room. She buried herself in her pillow and screamed. She screamed as loud as she could, her teary makeup dirtied her pillow. Her sobbing went on for a long time. All she could think about was Kevin. The scared look on his face. What was down there? Who screamed? Why was it so cold? The cold...

"Lindsey! Are you okay?! ", her father rapped on the door. 

The scar.


Lindsey started to breath heavily, her eyes flickered to the door and her window. 

Is someone watching me?


Lindsey's head was swirling. She felt lost, alone, and scared all at the same time. She looked at the window. 

Someone is there. 


Someone is there.

"Lindsey open the door right now! You need to tell us what is going on right now!".

Who's eyes are those?

"Lindsey! Now!".

Lindsey laughed. 

She got up off of her bed, and went to her mirror. She grabbed her brush that laid on the ground. She gently grabbed her hair and brushed her long golden brown hair. She studied herself, without thought. She brushed until the stinging itch went away, which slightly ebbed away but was still there. She  set down her brush , then went to her door and unlocked it. She opened the door and her parents' faces were wound up with fear. "Lindsey, what is wrong with you?", her father spoke. Lindsey turned her head like a lost puppy. 

"Nothing's wrong. I went to a party".

Chen threw up. 

He laid near the toilet all night, sleep was not an option. His face was the color of paste, and he was sweating like he had ran a marathon. His tongue was dry, and his throat burned. He knew something was wrong. He shouldn't have touched it.

"Chen? You okay, bro ? Should I get you water?". Chen sighed. It was his friend, Samuel. He was so thankful for Samuel offering his house to an exchange student. He had grown to like Samuel a lot, despite the language barrier. But he knew Samuel was trying his hardest to learn. He liked Samuel a lot. 

"No, no, I'm good! I am good very-", Chen heaved and threw up again. At that point, he had nothing to throw up anymore. His stomach was just convulsing and churning. Chen coughed and itched his hand. He then started to cry. I want to go home, he thought. 

Kevin ran. 

Running always made him feel better. It was a stress reliever for him. He had a cross country tournament the next day, but for the first time he didn't feel like going. But he felt like it was the right thing to do. His hand itched, and his back burned. The image was burned into his head. It was so unnatural, yet so...

Kevin heard a noise. He turned his head. There was nothing behind him. He ran faster. He checked his watch. 3:33 in the morning. That made him uncomfortable. He went another block and heard a rustle. He stopped running and looked behind him. "Who's there?", he yelled. He looked around and saw nothing. The  street lights were bright. Too bright. He felt eyes on him. 

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