Chapter 6

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"I heard something happened to Kevin yesterday. At his track meet ", Lisa whispered to Chen. Her face was inches from him, her intensity was extreme.

"I understand that you don't understand a lot of English"-

"I know enough", Chen replied.

Lisa paused briefly. "Okay... Well if you know enough why don't you talk?"

For the first time, Lisa saw Chen's calm and neutral face turn slightly annoyed. The slight annoyance made Lisa almost back up in offense. He pointed to himself, his finger shaking slightly.

"I am from China. I came to this country for a new learning experience and to gain new knowledge about the world around me, and how other people work and live for a year. I was introduced into a dysfunctional group of people who meddled with government property. This is not what my plan was! Can you blame me for wanting to stay quiet and pretend I don't know English?", Chen's strong words made Lisa feel a pang of guilt.

"Do you think this is what I wanted?! Chen, none of us wanted to do this! It just... happened", Lisa said.

Chen stared at Lisa for a few moments, realizing that his words may have taken more effect on her than he originally thought.

"I apologize Lisa, for being angry. I shouldn't have been selfish and not consider your feelings too", he said.

"Don't forget about Kevin and Lindsey. Their feelings are as valid as ours", she said quietly.

They sat silently, reflecting on many things that were on their mind. Lisa looked out the same window and looked at the clouds. She wished she was up there. Chen looked at the ground, and played with his fingers. "I couldn't help but notice, but you stare out the window all the time. What do you see out there that is so interesting?", Chen asked.

Lisa sighed. "I see so many things. That I imagine. I daydream a lot because my normal life is extremely boring. The clouds almost call me and want me to come up to the heavens and travel the world forever. Everything will be seen from above, not below. Have you ever listened to I Am a Cloud? I doubt it, it's a chorus song. But it's absolutely beautiful. It's about a girl who is free and who doesn't have a care in the world. But the mountains call to her and tell her to rest. The song is beautiful, and it's almost sorrowful. The mountains know it's time for her  to settle down, but she chose not to. She wanted to stay free. She will forever travel above the clouds, without a care in the world", Lisa said wistfully.

Lisa then shook her head.

"We are getting sidetracked, we need to finish the finishing touches on  in the project. Unsubmit it so I can work on it a bit more", she returned to working automatically.

"I did the rest of it last night. There was a lot we missed. We rushed in class but we missed some critical information. But I put it down", Chen said.

Lisa smiled. "Thank you Chen. Hopefully we are just overreacting. And hopefully we get an A", she chuckled.

"Yeah let's hope"- Chen started.

Two men along with the principle of their school entered the classroom. The other students grew silent, their presence intimidating even for the teacher. The two men wore dark sunglasses that were impenetrable. Their tall broad shoulders and cold expressions gave them a more terrifying look. The principle looked just as worried as Ms. Cain.

"We're looking for Chen Li and Lisa Martinez", the principle announced.

Lisa and Chen both froze with fear. Lisa looked at Chen, and Chen looked at Lisa.

Ms. Cain looked at Lisa and Chen with a worried look, and then back at the two scary men.

"What is your business with those students?", she asked curiously.

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