A Drive With D.Va

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Hana's POV

As soon as I finished throwing my trash away, I immediately rush back to my room, shut the door behind me and leaned on it with my back pressed against the door. "How embarrassing, I just blushed right in front of him." I say to myself as I lean my head against the door with my hands covering my face. "Why did I blush? Maybe it's because he's pretty cute?" I start to become more anxious with thoughts of (Y/N) floating around my head. "Do I already have a crush with him? Come on Hana, we just met, give it sometime." I decide to play some video games to forget about these thoughts.

As I played StarCraft II time goes by, I check the time on my phone. "11:48" Nows a good time to get ready. I head to my bedroom and opened my closet. From there I look at the coat rack and select my D.Va hoodie, this hoodie isn't available for purchase on my store, so I have a unique one. I slip on some shoes and put my phone in my pocket and head for my door which I grab my car keys and house keys which had a green bunny gem on it (the one on her Light Gun) from the key rack.

When I finished locking my door I turn behind me and knocked on (Y/N)'s door. Minutes past and he opens the door. He's currently undressed from what he was wearing this morning.

Hana: "Are you ready to go (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Is it twelve already?" He face palm himself. "I'm sorry Hana, I thought I can fit in one more game."

Hana: "It's alright, I know that feeling too."

(Y/N): "Just let me get dressed. You want to come in?"

Hana: "Sure."

He closes the door behind him and heads for his bedroom while I head to his office. When I got there I see his gaming setup. "Not bad of a setup he has here, he even has my mouse pad with my bunny logo on it, nice." I say to myself.

I turn away from his setup and looked at his book shelf, it wasn't filled with books rather limited edition stuff from video games, movies, etcs. I then looked at his posters around the room. He had posters of video games, a poster of me doing my heart pose and a poster with JDM cars.

(I'll explain this later)

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(I'll explain this later)

He likes import cars, same here! By this time (Y/N) arrived in a (favourite colours) hoodie, a pair of dark blue jeans and some black and white Vans.

(Y/N): "Okay I'm ready now."

Hana: "Just one question before we go

He gave me all his attention.

Hana: "Do you like import cars?"

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