No Plans (Bonus Chapter)

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(A/N) Notes

So since most of the world is placed under self quarantine due to the current pandemic, I thought it would be nice to give you all some extra stuff to read. This extra chapter won't stay up forever, I will eventually remove it so read it as much as you want.

This chapter was originally supposed to be the next chapter but got ultimately scrapped and replaced with Midnight Cruise. The reason for this was it was just another copy of Long Weekend and served no narrative purpose in the story. It was just a filler chapter which I later got bored of writing and stopped supporting it, leading to it's eventually disclosure. I started this back in March 2019 during spring break which gave me the inspiration and the name Spring Break but latered replaced to No Plans. The last time I worked on this was August 29, 2019. As you read along, keep in mind all this was work in progress, nothing is final and canon. With that said and done, I hope you enjoy this archive chapter.

P.S stay safe out there

Signed Forbidden098

(Y/N)'s POV

I normally hate the sound of my loud and annoying alarm clock on a Monday morning. It signals the start of a long, tiring and hard week, but this Monday was more relax and peaceful. My body was half awake and I braced myself for the incoming loudness to ruin my morning. Minutes past and I hear nothing besides the movement of my blanket. My alarm should of gone off by now. I left my head still resting on my cushioning pillow and just used my hand to reach for my phone on my nightstand table. I ripped the charger cable off it and held the phone above my face. One push on the power button showed the time, 7:44 am it read and under that read the date. I read the date multiple times in my head until I realized today was a day off.

I completely forgot about it, but I'm glad it's here nonetheless. I could of fallen back asleep and continue my slumber but I feel too worked up to sleep now. So instead I decide to get up from bed and start the day first with a warm shower. I took a long shower today, mainly just me standing still and enjoying the hot water hitting my body. I normally shower quickly on a weekday, therefore I get a couple minutes more to relax before heading off to school, or more like waiting for Hana to give me a ride. Speaking of Hana, I still can't believe I'm actually living next to her, D.Va is my neighbor and even better and unimaginable my "friend", well that's the way she likes to put it. What's even more unimaginable is if she was my girlfriend.....

I stood in the shower awfully quiet and still thinking about D.Va as my girlfriend. "I sound like I'm going crazy." I tell myself how ridiculous that was. But that sweet kiss on the cheek that Hana gave me still sticks to me and when ever it appears in my mind, my heart feels like it had melted. I was just joking with Hana when I ment "do I get a prize?" but still she decided to go forward and kiss me. Maybe she likes me? The more I think about it the more clouded my mind was. I mean I do like Hana a lot, a lot of people do too, but I don't know what she thinks about me.

I soon stopped my shower and dried up my wet body with a towel, getting dressed afterwards. I brushed my teeth sparkly white and then left my bathroom to make breakfast in my kitchen. I had only placed one hand firmly on my fridge door handle before I heard three gentle knocks on my door. "Coming" I quickly replied to the knocks. As I approached the door I start to question myself on who it was. I didn't have a peephole on my door, so the only way for me to know who it was, was to open the door. I unlocked the door and twisted the door handle to open it, pulling it back to open my door to reveal surprisingly Hana Song on the other side.

Hana: "Good morning (Y/N)." She lightly waved at me with an adorable simile on her cute face.

(Y/N): "M-morning Hana. What brings you here?" I questioned her.

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