Lets Talk Business

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Next Day

Hana's POV

With a busy day that was yesterday, ensured an easy and goodnight sleep for both me and (Y/N). Resting the side of my head against the pillow, facing at the adjacent window in the bedroom allowed the newly born sunshine to sneak through the cracks on the curtain and directly onto my morning face. The sunlight glazing over me triggered me to clutch my fingers overhanging the bed to open and closed repeatedly but didn't fully awake my body yet. With enough sunshine and fingers twitching I finally made an effort to flip my body over the other direction in which (Y/N) was sleeping at.

Peaking one eye open first, I looked over myself and realized I slept completely nude. Seeing this I grabbed the blanket over to my side more to shield myself from any more freezing temperatures to hit me. After doing so I turn my attention back to (Y/N) to see nothing. (Y/N) wasn't seen asleep next to me, what was left from him was his body depressed onto the mattress. Must have scared him last night or something, I told myself laughing at my own little joke before realizing it may be true.

Feeling a bit more energy throughout my body? I finally raised myself off the bed to get a better view of (Y/N)'s room. I realized our adventure last night had made a mess of (Y/N)'s room. Clothes scattered all over the room, stains on the bedsheets and a funny smell coming from the sheets itself. Rubbing my eyes later help me digest all the information I saw. Feeling adventurous I hopped off the bed and wrapped my cold nude body with the blanket before heading off outside. Barging right out of (Y/N)'s room, stumbling around while I fought the morning dizziness, I made it out to the living room where (Y/N) was just chilling by the sofa looking out the big window. (Y/N) was only seen wearing his undergarment and by the time I reached his personal space, he turned around to surprisingly see me walk up to him tiresome.

(Y/N): "Oh good morning Hana." He said forcing a smile.

Hana: "You must be cold." I answered, wrapping the blanket I dragged out of the bedroom around his shivering body.

(Y/N): "Yeah a bit, thanks Hana." He had a smile from on his face.

Hana: "Getting ready for school (Y/N)?" I asked, looking up at him.

(Y/N): "I was but, now that your here." He looked down at me.

Hana: "You can spare five minutes for some cuddling time (Y/N)."

With a smirk growing on (Y/N)'s cheeky cheeks, I swiftly carried the blanket around my arms to wrap his partially nude body. Holding it around his waist, I squeezed tightly around (Y/N), turning us into a warm cuddly burrito. Feeling the cold surface of his body run up my warm smooth skin, he gave in and wrapped his own arms around me. My head rested against his chest while he rest his head on top of my own.

Hana: "I could use a shower after last night. You want to join me?"

(Y/N): "It is my shower after all Hana."

Hana: "Was that a yes then?"

(Y/N): "Do I have a choice?" He asked me.

Hana: "Nope!" I playfully said, laughing out loud.

Tossing the blanket aside, I dashed in for his hand. Grabbing it firmly, I forcefully tugged on his arm with me as he followed me all limbless and dead like. Heading towards the bathroom, I kicked opened the door with (Y/N) laughing at my enthusiasm. I smiled back at him. I jumped into the shower room first allowing (Y/N) to painstakingly take off his precious little undies. I was turning the shower handle back and forth, closing and opening the water valve in annoyance with (Y/N)'s childish behavior. When he did take off his undies, he crammed into the tight shower room and embraced the sunny water drip onto both of us.

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